thought of writing blog in mandarin but who knows the stupid college computer lab cant read mandarin and made the cari web useless to me... so i hav to type in english...
tell u wat.. yesterday during my sleep... i thought of sumthing interesting....
idea for writing books..... which can make it into series.... like harry potter!! ^^
but it has to b in mandarin coz i'm more used to it...
so if 1 day.. my books is publish to public.... my dear frens... u hav to buy n read it... i ll giv u privilege... as in i ll sign 4 u k?? =p

went to EYE ON MALAYSIA yesterday wif KL, +2 n PY.... it's fun there... took lots of CREATIVE pics.... although it's quite expensive(RM15 for 5 rounds) for the ride... tis shows that v r patriotic... v support BUATAN MALAYSIA.... KL told me it's going to remove... so v as the malaysian must pay a visit to tis place.. i.e. titiwangsa EYE ON MALALAYSIA...
v had ice cream and french fries yesterday... it's tasty n not so expensive to us ( the little students).. still affordable and worth for it...
last advice.... PLS
p/s: tis is not taken by me... coz i'm not so pro.. n my camera is not so pro.. but will upload those pics taken by me tmr!!