Wednesday, March 26, 2008




Tuesday, March 25, 2008




Saturday, March 22, 2008


haha.. i write up tis blog as requested.. i know sum1 is going to kill me... but i'm going promote our national car... myvi!! haha... tell u sumthing... sum1 bang her car last sat when she just left her house to 1u for her part time job.. i'm not going to elaborate much... coz i ll get a terrible stare from SUM1... ok.. i shall stop here.. or else....


when i jump down from 10F

sports day

yo.. our school's sports day just ended wif three roars of hip hip hooray!! green house lost..... ok.. there is nothing to do wif me... n i have nothing to say... coz they r just too disappointing... 6 years of champion and ended wif last for tis year... hmm... i dun wanna talk bout it again... but the most shocking news is green house's tent deco lost to yellow's. yellow house got 1st in decoration but green house got last.... unexpectable....

anyway... thx to my buddy... wei jie, yip weng, hau keat, hin yew and also slb... thx for helping me to collect the recycle items... and helped me to carry it to my car.. thx... i owe u guys a cup of tea ya!! so guys.. take a good rest and good luck in ur stpm... (seems to b a bit early... but v must work earlier... so that v dun need to hug the leg of buddha => understand??) =p

our cool wei jie wif his "wings"??

ok... some photos of sports day... didnt take much coz not at a very good view...

red house's tent

jemputan.. our school got champion

Thursday, March 20, 2008

german vs chinese

blue - german
red - chinese

facing new things

perception of people

elderly life

shower time
weather and mood

concept of beauty
solving problems
3 meals a day

road on sunday
in the restoran

life style

more to come... so just stay tune in tis CHANNEL!!


一大早,我跳上一部計程車,要去台北郊區做企業內訓。因正好是尖峰時刻,沒多久車子就卡在車陣中,此時前座的司機先生開始不耐地嘆起氣來。隨口和他聊了起來:「最近生意好嗎?」後照鏡的臉垮了下來,聲音臭臭的:「有什麼好?到處都不景氣,你想我們計程車生意會好嗎?每天十幾個時,也賺不到什麼錢,真是氣人!」 嗯,顯然這不是個好話題,換個主題好了,我想,於是我說:「不過還好你的車很大很寬敞,即便是塞車,也讓人覺得很舒服?」 他打斷了我的話,聲音激動了起來:「舒服個鬼!不信你來每天坐 12個小時看看,看你還會不會覺得舒服!?」 接著他的話匣子開了,抱怨政府無能、社會不公,所以人民無望。 我只能安靜地聽,一點兒插嘴的機會也沒。
兩天後同一時間,我再一次跳上了計程車,再一次地要去郊區同一家企業做訓練,然而這一次,卻開啟了迥然不同的經驗。 一上車,一張笑容可掬的臉龐轉了過來,伴隨的是輕快愉悅的聲音:「你好,請問要去哪?堙H 」 真是難得的親切,我心中有些訝異,隨即告訴了他目的地。 他笑了笑:「好,沒問題!」 然而走沒兩步,車子又在車陣中動彈不得了起來。前座的 司機 先生手握方向盤,開始輕鬆地吹起口哨哼起歌來,顯然今天心情不錯。於是我問:「看來你今天心情很好嘛!」 他笑得露出了牙齒:「我每天都是這樣啊,每天心情都很好。」 「為什麼呢?」我問:「大家不都說景氣差,工作時間長,收入都不理想嗎?」 司機先生說:「沒錯,我也有家有小孩要養,所以開車時間也跟著拉長為 12個小時。 不過,日子還是很開心過的,我有個祕密? 」他停頓了一下:「說出來先生你別生氣,好嗎?」
我突然意識到自己有多幸運,一早就有這份榮幸,跟前座的EQ高手同車出遊,真是棒極了。 又能坐車,心情又開心,這樣的服務有多難得,我決定跟這位 司機 先生要電話,以後再邀他一起出遊。接過他名片的同時,他的手機鈴聲正好響起,有位老客人要去機場,原來喜歡他的不只我一位,相信這位EQ高手的工作態度,不但替他贏得好心情,也必定帶進許多生意。

心理學家發現,快樂其實是一種習慣,不論環境怎麼變,EQ 高手的快樂決心是不會改變的。 當我們能換一種心態去看待自己的工作,並帶著遊戲般的愉快心情面對工作,你會發覺自己的內在能量強大許多,抗壓應變的功力也因此大為增進,而這,也正是貫徹快樂決心的漂亮做法。 我自己就常覺得,工作其實是一種偽裝,讓我有很好的藉口及機會,能因著演講及各種活動,去認識許許多多有趣精彩的人,這不是很過癮嗎?(更何況,往往還有人付錢呢!)。

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

my 1st job

yo... i was working during the last weekend... quite fun... but tired... anyway... i get to know lots of frens n eat lots of ice cream... new experience..
but quite sad.. cant go for genting carnival... which ll pay us rm500... anyway... i ll change my plan to sports day =p...

Friday, March 14, 2008

complains about secure parking

tell u sumthing.... dun ever go into secure parking region... the staffs there r really low quality.. their maths r fail... n they dunno how to explain sumthing... not even the receptionist... wat the... i surrender back the parking voucher as required (coz sum1 print some illegal 1)... they told us they need 1 week time to refund us... so i waited for 1 week... then they postponed... ok.. i waited for another week again... then they postponed again... fine... i waited.... waited... until the day of refund... i walked all the way to the place as required... which is very far... almost 500m?? ok.. i reached there n show my slip... they pay me rm3.. wat the?? ok.. let us do a simple calculation... i surrender 28 coupons... each cost me rm3... so i suppose to get back rm 84 rite?? ok... they gave me rm3... so where is the left over?? then they said they need to check... ya.. check... my fren surrender 27.. but they pay her for 26 pcs only... u know y? she surrender from number 54 to 80.. so means she handed up 27 pcs rite?? (who cant get it?? must add 1 more coz must include no 54 ok??) so almost every1 let them bolot rm3 lo... so many ppl park at help... they must earn a lot...

ok back to my case... ok.. they called me yesterday... ask me to go to their office to collect my refund... ok.. then i asked them.. where is their office.. they told me.. on the way to pusat bandar damansara... it's at ur right... n tis is the direction they gave me... ok... i found the place... n asked them can i park outside... coz i ll leave very soon... then they said cannot... n bcoz of the 15 mins parking... they charged me rm3... ok.. think of the logic.. i went to the office just bcoz their staff failed their maths... n said tat they need to check... n 1 me to pay for the parking... wat in the world is tis... ok... i'm not going to park at secure parking area again... i rather walk few more steps.. just treat it as exercise.. n save my money... haha!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

i'm accepted by HKUST

dunno wat to say now... i didnt expect to get it n know it so early... i just got my exam results... n suddenly received tis letter... i wish i can study there... i think i can fulfill their requirements... but it ll b better if i got scholarship!! so pray hard!

Monday, March 10, 2008

got my results

hmm... i got my results... got 15 A's out of 17 papers... actually quite ok for me... but just felt a bit dissatisfied coz got 2 B... physic 3 n 4... need 4 marks n 7 marks for each papers... n maths papers -> c2.. i thought ll get high marks.. but i dunno wat i wrote n wat i did... got a low A... but ok... i accept it... coz i got A for my maths di... so dun think too much... just work harder...
thought i ll feel very sad if i cant get all A's.. but in fact... not really... i accepted it quite fast... my parents r ok wif it... (actually they dun really put stress on me).. so.... wanna ask them to buy me a PSP!! hahaha!! =p

Sunday, March 9, 2008

h@pPY biRtHd@Y => bRo

went for a nice dinner at PJ... it's a vegetarian restoran... but the food is nice.. assorted type of food... range from dim sum, nasi lemak, western food n dessert... not bad... i love all those foods....

lao biao punya honeydew sago

yam roll

chu cheong fan

raddish cake

i dunno wat is tis... but it's nice..
p/s: i use long time to upload all these pics... n finally!! enjoy!!