yeah... tomolo will be the day to genting!!!
so exicited to go!! coz i'm going wif my frenz......
hmm.... actually to make this trip on, v faced so many probs....
no1 going, parents didnt allow, no money, sum personal probs, time, hotel................
okok.......... everything is over!!!
yeah!! going to genting soon...
just 22 hours to go!!!
so cool man!!
then i must introduce my gang of frens rite?....
u3, +2, nyin hui, pei yan, khai leng, pei yin n hui yee....
b4 v go... they planned so many things...
the budget, hotel, activities, things to bring n buy, n the most interesting is......
to have steamboat there.........
realy cool......
n that ay v went to jusco to buy all the things v need n let u know..............
the receipt is so loooooooooooooong.........
v bought snack, maggie cup, sparkling juice, soya bean, soup.........
n khai leng is going to buy all the stuff 4 steamboat n shandy!!!
yeah again!! going to have fun there....
n i guess at nite v cant really sleep coz they planned to gamble........ n mess up the hotel!!
oh no.........
but luckily not me to book the hotel!!!
hehe...... not under my responsible!!!
haha......... pei yan.......
god ble.... nonono....
86 bless u!!!!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
really appreciate....
finally my grandmum is all right!!!
today she was discharged from sentosa medical center....
last week after my cousin's wedding dinner, she was fainted in the toilet n luckily my cousin saw her n sent her to SMC....
then she had to stay there 4 1 week to be observed by the doctor... named Mohan!!
actually is just she didnt eat well before that... not enough nutrien.. n so called malnutrien...
everyday my relatives will visit her n talk to her....
sumtimes her ward will fully stuffed by human....
i really not understand y every1 likes to stand here doing nothing but still they 1 2 go...
mayb they 1 2 show that they r very concern bout it... they r very gud....
then finally today... when i went wif my dad this afternoon.... my grandmum was so happy when she saw us...
the 1st things she said was "can go home oredi"..........
actually v knew it....
grandmum cant stand lonely... she cant stand lying down n doing nothing....
she wanted to go home 4 so long.... that's wat her desire...
but wat to do.... v cant.. she need to stay!!! for her own gud!!!
hmm.... she also cant smoke during her stay at SMC... coz they dun let her to do so.... she is not suppose to smoke....
cigrattes harm!!!!
after collecting her report... v went home...
luckily she let my maid to cook....
if not..........
as she is not as strong as she used to be like last time..... she cant force herself to do too much things... but she still do so.........
so she get sick easily!!
.......... hope she will healthier n can let go sumthing n let us to serve her....
let us to do things 4 her...
let us to help her.........
let us to do everything... n she can rest well!!!
grandmum......... stay cool!!!
enjoy ur life.... dun make ur life tough!!!
just ENJOY!!!
finally my grandmum is all right!!!
today she was discharged from sentosa medical center....
last week after my cousin's wedding dinner, she was fainted in the toilet n luckily my cousin saw her n sent her to SMC....
then she had to stay there 4 1 week to be observed by the doctor... named Mohan!!
actually is just she didnt eat well before that... not enough nutrien.. n so called malnutrien...
everyday my relatives will visit her n talk to her....
sumtimes her ward will fully stuffed by human....
i really not understand y every1 likes to stand here doing nothing but still they 1 2 go...
mayb they 1 2 show that they r very concern bout it... they r very gud....
then finally today... when i went wif my dad this afternoon.... my grandmum was so happy when she saw us...
the 1st things she said was "can go home oredi"..........
actually v knew it....
grandmum cant stand lonely... she cant stand lying down n doing nothing....
she wanted to go home 4 so long.... that's wat her desire...
but wat to do.... v cant.. she need to stay!!! for her own gud!!!
hmm.... she also cant smoke during her stay at SMC... coz they dun let her to do so.... she is not suppose to smoke....
cigrattes harm!!!!
after collecting her report... v went home...
luckily she let my maid to cook....
if not..........
as she is not as strong as she used to be like last time..... she cant force herself to do too much things... but she still do so.........
so she get sick easily!!
.......... hope she will healthier n can let go sumthing n let us to serve her....
let us to do things 4 her...
let us to help her.........
let us to do everything... n she can rest well!!!
grandmum......... stay cool!!!
enjoy ur life.... dun make ur life tough!!!
just ENJOY!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
h@pPy, LuCkY, cOoKiE...
yeah!! so happy...
today went to timesquare 4 chicken little wif yu shan!!!
actually v both so cham..
so poor lar!!
at 1st v went to kl central to buy genting ticket... then used up all our money!!!
anyway.... still continue to timesquare 4 our super great chicken little!!!
yeah... so nice.. i love it!!
after that.. v went window shopping.. as u know window shopping is just meaningless... v didnt buy anything as both of us were so poor!!!!
here is the main point!!!
i went to the customer counter n just ask 4 fun about my long missing, stolen bag.....
then that gud hearted, hardworking lady checked 4 me n she said cant find anything!!
actually i'm knew it... i knew i wont never get it back.......
okok.... then i went to PAUZ to eat pau of course.....
while i'm looking at the menu...
sum1 tap me on my shoulder....
the above mentioned lady chased me n told me mayb my bag was in the security room......
then i followed her to the security room to wait 4 miracle...
but just seems like hopeless.....
the guy asked me so many useless questions....
as if i wanna bluff him 4 the costless bag.....
i waited there as there r so many security problems at timesquare!!!
then here comes the miracle.... it's ridiculous!!!
the man walked out wif my lovely orange bag!!!
yeah!! i'm just like flying up to the sky!!
my bag!
my bag!!
but i still have to wait 4 the turtle slow procedure..
n finally.... i got back my bag!!!!
then happily i treat yu shan wif PAUZ's pau lor!!
n i called my mum to tell her the news!!
n... i got mumbled...
hehe.. tell u sumthing..
i did my new ic yesterday!!
so.... she said i waste money lor!!!
n said asked me to find the bag 4 so long but i didnt!!!
haiz.... not my fault mah!!!
go alone meh?
the if i didnt get back my bag then how wor....
like very siao rite!!!
aiyoh.... as long as i get back my bag lor... my wallet, my shirt too!!!
haha... so happy!!
u must know.. mayb that day if i go, not that gud hearted lady who r working there... mayb....
lots of mayb rite!!!
hehe............. nothing to say lar...
i'm so happy today!!!
so lucky!!
today went to timesquare 4 chicken little wif yu shan!!!
actually v both so cham..
so poor lar!!
at 1st v went to kl central to buy genting ticket... then used up all our money!!!
anyway.... still continue to timesquare 4 our super great chicken little!!!
yeah... so nice.. i love it!!
after that.. v went window shopping.. as u know window shopping is just meaningless... v didnt buy anything as both of us were so poor!!!!
here is the main point!!!
i went to the customer counter n just ask 4 fun about my long missing, stolen bag.....
then that gud hearted, hardworking lady checked 4 me n she said cant find anything!!
actually i'm knew it... i knew i wont never get it back.......
okok.... then i went to PAUZ to eat pau of course.....
while i'm looking at the menu...
sum1 tap me on my shoulder....
the above mentioned lady chased me n told me mayb my bag was in the security room......
then i followed her to the security room to wait 4 miracle...
but just seems like hopeless.....
the guy asked me so many useless questions....
as if i wanna bluff him 4 the costless bag.....
i waited there as there r so many security problems at timesquare!!!
then here comes the miracle.... it's ridiculous!!!
the man walked out wif my lovely orange bag!!!
yeah!! i'm just like flying up to the sky!!
my bag!
my bag!!
but i still have to wait 4 the turtle slow procedure..
n finally.... i got back my bag!!!!
then happily i treat yu shan wif PAUZ's pau lor!!
n i called my mum to tell her the news!!
n... i got mumbled...
hehe.. tell u sumthing..
i did my new ic yesterday!!
so.... she said i waste money lor!!!
n said asked me to find the bag 4 so long but i didnt!!!
haiz.... not my fault mah!!!
go alone meh?
the if i didnt get back my bag then how wor....
like very siao rite!!!
aiyoh.... as long as i get back my bag lor... my wallet, my shirt too!!!
haha... so happy!!
u must know.. mayb that day if i go, not that gud hearted lady who r working there... mayb....
lots of mayb rite!!!
hehe............. nothing to say lar...
i'm so happy today!!!
so lucky!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
H@pPy bIrThd@y.....

happy birthday brother!!!
just be urself...
n listen to dad n mum lor!!
u r now 12 n going to enter secondary school!!
nothing to say much....
just wish that all ur dreams come true!!!!
get gud result in ur UPSR!!
dun forget me lor!!!
let me sing u a birthday song...
happy birthday to u,
happy birthday to u,
happy birthday to Yong Sheng,
happy birthday to u!!!
hey... wait...
another version!!
happy birthday to u,
u r born in the zoo,
wif the monkey n the elephant,
happy birthay to u!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
十八年后。。。 白雪公主已长的亭亭玉立;王后谭佩欣却已年老色衰~~~一日,王后对着她的宝贝魔镜史金福问啊:''魔镜啊魔镜这个世上,谁最美丽?'' 魔镜史金福回答:''啊哟,不是你这个欧巴桑啦,是那个十八一朵花的白雪啦!!!哦呵呵呵呵~~'' 王后大怒,立刻招徕猎手林伟杰把白雪干掉·。臭屁林伟杰想趁白雪在森林采花时杀了她怎知道突然建心脏病发让白雪知道了。。。他呻吟挣扎非常痛苦,白雪一步步靠近他。。。忽然,她说:''哼,你以为我不只知道你跟踪我咩?哼!呸呸!!!''她揍了他一顿,猎人“卦”了。。。
尔后,白雪杀了人很害怕,转身就往森林里跑。跑啊跑,过了许久她晕倒了。经过五天五夜,白雪终于有救。有七个傻头傻脑的侏儒垂涎她的美色而救她。。。 这群以''肥得力姨''为首脑的矮人们将白雪扛回小人屋。正当矮人们讨论着要吃她的哪个部位时,她就醒了。他们你望我,我望你,突然白雪尖叫起来!“ 你们这群矮冬瓜色鬼,想干吗?哈,是不是垂涎本姑娘的美色,意图不轨?告诉你们,不要以为我不知道你们的鬼注意,我是堂堂的白雪公主,只要一个手指就能捏死你们!谁若想乱来,谁就不得善终。从现在开始你们要称我为无敌美丽白里透红仙女似的公主,服侍我服服贴贴。否则?哼,你们的人头统统不保!给我醒醒定定!!''
那些矮冬瓜从未见过什么世面,早被白雪的一番话吓得魂不附体,惟命是从了! 那日起,白雪就宛如神似的被供养。从衣着、三餐至金钱首饰都被供给。她对这些矮冬瓜们总是呼呼喝喝,他们的日子可难过了。。。
一个飘雪的晚上,恶毒的王后又再一次向 宝贝魔镜史金福问道:“魔镜啊魔镜这个世上,谁最美丽?一定是偶吧!噢呵呵呵呵!” 魔镜回答:''啊哟,不是你这个欧巴桑啦,是那个十八一朵花的白雪啦!!!你这个大笨蛋,她还没死喇!哦呵呵呵呵~~'' 王后大怒,一掌将宝贝魔镜史金福劈死。宝贝魔镜史金福劈里啪啦的碎成七七四十九块,七魂不见六魄,从此永无天日。。。
王后这次决定不靠别人,靠自己。王后跑道货舱找到了一瓶味道和洗地水相似的魔药,嘿嘿干笑了两声,就把它喝掉。就在雷电交加天气极速变奏之时,王后变成了一只皮肤凹凸不平、双眼凸大、味似粪便、黑绿交加的丑八怪癞蛤蟆。她一边呱呱叫一边往白雪那儿奔去。。。。 七七四十九秒后,王后终于到了。。。她爬进白雪公主的杯里下蛋! 它共下了七七四十九颗蛋蛋。。。然后又跳回王宫去了!!!
“噫,那班废材连珍珠奶茶也会做??啧啧。。。做的难喝你们就给我跳到粪池去洗澡!!!这班死矮人,要我堂堂无敌美丽白里透红仙女似的公主和你们混在一起。。。呸呸~~~!!! ” 咕噜咕噜。。。白雪公主一口口吞掉了。。。。。。。
“哎哟。。。哎哟。。这班死矮人,到底给了什么我喝?哎呀~~~痛死人啦~~~哟唷哟~~~”白雪公主在一片惨叫声中昏死过去了。 “咦,这。。。这。。。这不是白雪公主吗???” “她好像没了呼吸呵。。。” “ 她死了?” “死了?” “死了。” “ HOORAY!!!!!!”“她死了耶!咱们脱离苦海了。。。哈哈哈哈哈!” “开香槟庆祝吧!” 这班矮人们决定狂吃狂喝七天以示庆祝。
突然,一阵马蹄声。。。kedekut...kedekut....白马上坐着的乃邻国的王子,唐唐〖唐业融】!他有一头乌黑浓密的秀发,水汪汪的大眼睛,孑子肠般的厚唇,瓜子般的脸孔和四尺高的身段。。。他步向白雪公主,吻住了她。。。真是神肾的一刻哪! 白雪公主突然转醒,就在那一刹那间,她爱上他了!在夕阳余晖下,他们共骑一匹白马回到王宫去。。。
就在同一时候,王后因怎么也变不回原来的样子而恼怒不已~~ 她狂奔乱跳,发出呱呱的嘈杂声,扰人清梦!终于,御厨李加仪忍受不住而展现她的绝技--小李飞飞刀,将癞蛤蟆王后谭佩欣一刀斩死且滴血不流,果然神乎其技,神乎其技啊!!!~~~~~
也就是我们创新组的组长!!! 加油喽!! 要创更多的故事喽!!!
十八年后。。。 白雪公主已长的亭亭玉立;王后谭佩欣却已年老色衰~~~一日,王后对着她的宝贝魔镜史金福问啊:''魔镜啊魔镜这个世上,谁最美丽?'' 魔镜史金福回答:''啊哟,不是你这个欧巴桑啦,是那个十八一朵花的白雪啦!!!哦呵呵呵呵~~'' 王后大怒,立刻招徕猎手林伟杰把白雪干掉·。臭屁林伟杰想趁白雪在森林采花时杀了她怎知道突然建心脏病发让白雪知道了。。。他呻吟挣扎非常痛苦,白雪一步步靠近他。。。忽然,她说:''哼,你以为我不只知道你跟踪我咩?哼!呸呸!!!''她揍了他一顿,猎人“卦”了。。。
尔后,白雪杀了人很害怕,转身就往森林里跑。跑啊跑,过了许久她晕倒了。经过五天五夜,白雪终于有救。有七个傻头傻脑的侏儒垂涎她的美色而救她。。。 这群以''肥得力姨''为首脑的矮人们将白雪扛回小人屋。正当矮人们讨论着要吃她的哪个部位时,她就醒了。他们你望我,我望你,突然白雪尖叫起来!“ 你们这群矮冬瓜色鬼,想干吗?哈,是不是垂涎本姑娘的美色,意图不轨?告诉你们,不要以为我不知道你们的鬼注意,我是堂堂的白雪公主,只要一个手指就能捏死你们!谁若想乱来,谁就不得善终。从现在开始你们要称我为无敌美丽白里透红仙女似的公主,服侍我服服贴贴。否则?哼,你们的人头统统不保!给我醒醒定定!!''
那些矮冬瓜从未见过什么世面,早被白雪的一番话吓得魂不附体,惟命是从了! 那日起,白雪就宛如神似的被供养。从衣着、三餐至金钱首饰都被供给。她对这些矮冬瓜们总是呼呼喝喝,他们的日子可难过了。。。
一个飘雪的晚上,恶毒的王后又再一次向 宝贝魔镜史金福问道:“魔镜啊魔镜这个世上,谁最美丽?一定是偶吧!噢呵呵呵呵!” 魔镜回答:''啊哟,不是你这个欧巴桑啦,是那个十八一朵花的白雪啦!!!你这个大笨蛋,她还没死喇!哦呵呵呵呵~~'' 王后大怒,一掌将宝贝魔镜史金福劈死。宝贝魔镜史金福劈里啪啦的碎成七七四十九块,七魂不见六魄,从此永无天日。。。
王后这次决定不靠别人,靠自己。王后跑道货舱找到了一瓶味道和洗地水相似的魔药,嘿嘿干笑了两声,就把它喝掉。就在雷电交加天气极速变奏之时,王后变成了一只皮肤凹凸不平、双眼凸大、味似粪便、黑绿交加的丑八怪癞蛤蟆。她一边呱呱叫一边往白雪那儿奔去。。。。 七七四十九秒后,王后终于到了。。。她爬进白雪公主的杯里下蛋! 它共下了七七四十九颗蛋蛋。。。然后又跳回王宫去了!!!
“噫,那班废材连珍珠奶茶也会做??啧啧。。。做的难喝你们就给我跳到粪池去洗澡!!!这班死矮人,要我堂堂无敌美丽白里透红仙女似的公主和你们混在一起。。。呸呸~~~!!! ” 咕噜咕噜。。。白雪公主一口口吞掉了。。。。。。。
“哎哟。。。哎哟。。这班死矮人,到底给了什么我喝?哎呀~~~痛死人啦~~~哟唷哟~~~”白雪公主在一片惨叫声中昏死过去了。 “咦,这。。。这。。。这不是白雪公主吗???” “她好像没了呼吸呵。。。” “ 她死了?” “死了?” “死了。” “ HOORAY!!!!!!”“她死了耶!咱们脱离苦海了。。。哈哈哈哈哈!” “开香槟庆祝吧!” 这班矮人们决定狂吃狂喝七天以示庆祝。
突然,一阵马蹄声。。。kedekut...kedekut....白马上坐着的乃邻国的王子,唐唐〖唐业融】!他有一头乌黑浓密的秀发,水汪汪的大眼睛,孑子肠般的厚唇,瓜子般的脸孔和四尺高的身段。。。他步向白雪公主,吻住了她。。。真是神肾的一刻哪! 白雪公主突然转醒,就在那一刹那间,她爱上他了!在夕阳余晖下,他们共骑一匹白马回到王宫去。。。
就在同一时候,王后因怎么也变不回原来的样子而恼怒不已~~ 她狂奔乱跳,发出呱呱的嘈杂声,扰人清梦!终于,御厨李加仪忍受不住而展现她的绝技--小李飞飞刀,将癞蛤蟆王后谭佩欣一刀斩死且滴血不流,果然神乎其技,神乎其技啊!!!~~~~~
也就是我们创新组的组长!!! 加油喽!! 要创更多的故事喽!!!
一个男子看见一家商店大减价,便走了进去。“您买些什么?”“我想买狗食。”“我们有规定,您必须证明您有狗。” “哪儿有这样的规定?”“减价商品就是这样。”男子与售货员磨了半天,售货员还是不同意卖给他。没有办法,男子只好回家把狗带来,才买到了狗食。过了几天,男子又去这家商店买猫食。“给我两盒猫食。”“我们有规定,您必须证明您有猫。”还是那个售货员,男子又与她磨蹭了半天,结果还是不得不回家把猫带来才买到了猫食。又过了几天,男子抱着挖有一个洞的大纸箱来到那家商店,找到那个售货员。“您买些什么?”“你把手伸进去就知道。”售货员把手伸了进去:“是什么呀,粘乎乎的。”“我想买两卷儿手纸。”
有一天,老大和老二又去戏院看戏,看到中途二人为情节发展而争执起来,并为此打赌。老大指着前边摆的一排痰盂说:“输的人要喝一口那里边的东西。”不幸,老大输了,于是老大皱着眉头喝了一口。二人接着赌下边的情节,这次,老二输了。只见老二抱起一个痰盂,咕咚咕咚连喝了十五大口。老大大惊失色,佩服的五体投地,对老二说“你太了不起了,居然能连喝十五大口!” 老二摇摇头,“不是我想喝,那个痰盂里的痰太浓,我实在咬不断!”
资料来源: 黄燕珊
谢了老友!!! 虽然没有得到允许.. 但你也不介意吧!!! 呵呵!!
一个男子看见一家商店大减价,便走了进去。“您买些什么?”“我想买狗食。”“我们有规定,您必须证明您有狗。” “哪儿有这样的规定?”“减价商品就是这样。”男子与售货员磨了半天,售货员还是不同意卖给他。没有办法,男子只好回家把狗带来,才买到了狗食。过了几天,男子又去这家商店买猫食。“给我两盒猫食。”“我们有规定,您必须证明您有猫。”还是那个售货员,男子又与她磨蹭了半天,结果还是不得不回家把猫带来才买到了猫食。又过了几天,男子抱着挖有一个洞的大纸箱来到那家商店,找到那个售货员。“您买些什么?”“你把手伸进去就知道。”售货员把手伸了进去:“是什么呀,粘乎乎的。”“我想买两卷儿手纸。”
有一天,老大和老二又去戏院看戏,看到中途二人为情节发展而争执起来,并为此打赌。老大指着前边摆的一排痰盂说:“输的人要喝一口那里边的东西。”不幸,老大输了,于是老大皱着眉头喝了一口。二人接着赌下边的情节,这次,老二输了。只见老二抱起一个痰盂,咕咚咕咚连喝了十五大口。老大大惊失色,佩服的五体投地,对老二说“你太了不起了,居然能连喝十五大口!” 老二摇摇头,“不是我想喝,那个痰盂里的痰太浓,我实在咬不断!”
资料来源: 黄燕珊
谢了老友!!! 虽然没有得到允许.. 但你也不介意吧!!! 呵呵!!
h@ppY $iNg@pOrE tRiP 之吃吃喝喝篇

偷吃??? 没有啦!!! 姐姐偷拍我!!!!

薯条... 汉堡.. 青春豆... burger king之晚餐!!

hey.. that's my sis... both of us went to singapore by our own... so cool man... really enjoy the trip.. n that food is wat she likes the most.... 黑炒 "米果".. ( 明白吗?? )

这是我吃的板面... 东炎板面喽!!!! 好好吃哟!!!! 太想念它了!!! yummy!!

这是牛扒套餐!!! 很值得哟!! 大大的牛扒.. 又有汤, 西瓜.... 太好吃了吧!!!!

这就是传说中的黑炒 "米果".... 有机会要试一试啦!!!!

我吃的大汉堡!! 好好吃哟!!! 才4 块钱!!!! 不过是新币!!! 还好啦!!!

享受着板面!! 哈哈... 你只有得看.. 没得吃!! 人间美食!!!

借来拍照总算可以吧!!!! 呵呵!! 不过... i'm lovin' it!!! 太好吃了!!!
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