Saturday, March 31, 2012

Another Experience

2nd individual presentation of my uni life.
1st one was for an English course in Year 1 and done several group presentation thereafter.
And today, the 2nd one.
What I can say, loved that experience.

Done a presentation on insurance product for senior citizen (sounded technical right, i also cant believe.)
The experience was good. just before my presentation, course mate was telling me the panel were quite harsh and he "died" in Q&A section.
Made me so worried and started to look for more information.

I guess, god loves me a lot!! like A LOT!!!
first, the topic that i was assigned was not too hard compared to others, like front end investment link product, back end investment link product, universal life....

I got Insurance for Senior Citizen.
Cool, sounded easy right now, right?

Then the panel were good as well.
my friend got 6 people in the panel while i got 4.
and all of them looked kind.

what i really think it's pity that i didnt prepare for a ques that i have doubt before. I should have look for it from internet!!

i will remember: Definition of REVERSIONARY BENEFIT vs Annual Dividend!! 
(and in the end, i just made it up =P)

Next, spent whole night on doing a video for my presentation and I run out of time =="
Not able to show them the video... (punching my chest now!!)

So in order to repay myself, I will post it here.

My first trial on making a so called "pro" video.

Have a look!! Please watch it regardless the quality of my work.. Just wanna show it to some one!!

Friday, March 30, 2012









Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What should I do?

Havent been blogging for a while.
Too many things happened recently.
Made some decision which made myself not matured.
But I am still a human. 接受不到就是接受不到。





Tuesday, March 13, 2012

When Angmo called it Mocha, Malaysian called it Neslo

End of reading week means that mid terms are coming.
While studying for midterms without sufficient sleep, made myself a cup of neslo and brought it to class.
It tasted just like the mocha i bought from Starbucks =)

I know, coffee is not good for health but i really need it when exam comes.

Will addicted to it during exam period and totally zero consumption after exam period.

Last midterms of my uni life. Enjoy (self convincing ==)

Monday, March 12, 2012


Saw this in Facebook and found it quite true







Friday, March 9, 2012


突然發現可以上網聽 myFM。。。真得很感動。
就好像以前每天上班前和下班後有myFM 陪著我塞車。


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kony 2012

No matter you support it or not, I would like to share this!


話說雖然Reading Week not suppose for reading,但現實就是這樣。我不能不向現實低頭。還是認真溫習功課吧!!

李+2, 我們一起努力然後一起畢業吧!!(特別提起你的名字因為知道你也讀得很辛苦)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reading week is not for Reading..

Well, time flies. It's reading week, means i have half semester to go and I will complete my degree.
Last semester to go, gave me lots of feeling.
It seems like, nothing is more important than your interest.
Studying in last semester seems all depends on your interest and heart to study.
(probably.. it gives u some feeling that you will eventually graduate, so nothing much to worry? just enjoy the student life before stepping into the working world?)

but on the other hand, i m quite stressed out these few weeks. not sure if it's from study or from the event.
just craving for REST.
just crave for the time where i do nothing but just letting the time flies.

well, pushing myself to do revision for my mid term.

add oil!!

really really looking forward to my expedition in costa rica...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stop Lynas Save Malaysia
