Sunday, July 19, 2009

sungai sendat + family dinner

went to sungai sendat wif my colleague.. it was a tough time to get there.. hafiz came to my house at 8.30am.. then v went to wangsa maju for breakfast.. spent some time there waiting for others.. but they were not ready by 9.30am (which suppose to meet at that time), then v left to ulu yam so tat they can meet us there... waited n waited n waited... n spent all my time waiting.. n hafiz told me if the journey to sungai sendat has KPI, then "mungkin boleh buang kerja dah"
for ur info... KPI means the rate that they uses to rate a employee, it's the workload divide by the time u worked.. if ur KPI is very low.. means u r actually not working n eventually slacking...

ok.. n finally they appeared around 11 sumthing.. near to 12pm
n reached there safely.. found our spot. the guys started the fire n cooked chicken for us.
n of course v went to the waterfall to mandi sungai, makan makan n mandi+ kecoh again.. n i slided + jumped from the waterfall which is so cool n some of the guys were not dare to do it... =p (ok.. it's LUYING.. so she ll always do tat without hesitating)

had a great day... n had dinner wif aunt. coz i m leaving soon(n i m too busy too have dinner on another day).. so she wanna have dinner wif me. simple but happy dinner.. n got to meet my little cute cousins.. n taking care of them is really a tough task.. (it's so tiring =p)

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