Sunday, May 31, 2009


went to kkb to recce tis morning.. woke up early... felt sleepy.. coz slept late last nite, doing raleigh stuff as well..
vincent picked me up, then went to rawang to have breakfast.. n headed to kkb.. it was an hr journey.. every1 in the car felt so sleepy.. n yet v need to hike up to bukit kutu later.. =p
anyway, everything goes well.. v- the trailblazer team - vincent, luying, yink heay n chung yee managed to reach the rock in 1 n a half hr time.. wow.. great effort.. but i forgot to take pics at the rock.. aiks.. wat a waste..
then v reached kutu pool in 1 ht time n chill ourselves there.. the water was cooling.

my hiking gear
yink heay n i
nice view of kutu pool
the trailblazers

relaxed ourselves, enjoy the water.. n left at 2pm
head to ulu yam to hav lunch.
had loh mee, fried mihun, fish cake n pineapple.. SARAWAK pineapple to be exact.. nice.. sweet..
n i loved the drink very much.. it combined apple, orange n pineapple..
but the highlight was when my sis asked zhiyong is he knows who is YAP LU YI
then he said: who's that? from ur decade?
oh.. all of us burst into laughter..
n he still reply wif: did i said anything wrong?
oh.. n all of us cant stop laughing.. except christal.. coz she is the only one who cant understand mandarin.. n our conversation were in mandarin.. ^^
oh my dear zhi yong.. now only my sis realised how blur zhi yong is.. hmm.. i told u.. ppl from chong hwa.. haha.. zhin yong n woon chin ll know wat i wanna say here..
went home, rest n had dinner wif family..
it's a tiring, sweaty day but still happy..
n i need to back to work tmr.. ==
the damp that v passed by on the way to kkb

Saturday, May 30, 2009

lovely day

went to solaris wif my gang.. but too bad, yshan cant make it.. anyway, since 3 of them were badly puking last nite, v decided not to hav any alcohol tonite... so v went to coffee bean to hav a drink.. but some how.. v were attracted by the cakes at the display n all of us ordered a slide of cake instead a cup of coffee..
the cake was nice.. i had opera - combination of butter cream, coffee n chocolate
kl ordered apple crumble which pyan described it as flies' nest or wateva it is...
pyan tiramisu where she planned to dapao the leftover in her bag (she always do weird things =p)
+2 n u3 had chicago cheese cake...
n of course with lots of chit chatting... endless topics..
till the shop was closed
then v stand by the road side for a while, deciding where to go next...
actually quite a while.. like 30mins.. including our super nice photo shooting session...
nah.. here u go...

v went to maybank to withdraw money after that but the only word v can c from the machine is "out of order"
then only v realised there is operating hrs for atm machine as well... no wonder the guard stared at us outside.. he was to lock the door but 5 of us went in... haha...
headed to a steamboat truck... then only i know steamboat truck is so "in" nowadays.
it combined bbq, deep fried, n also steamboat... wow... it looks great n i was told that it has franchise.. ok.. not bad.. i seldom patronise this kind of truck as my mum said it's quite unhygiene.. but who cares.. i dun eat everyday.. n today is a special day.. where i meet up with my gang.. n here v came out wif a chocolate steamboat truck which initiated by pyan.. so all of us encourage her to design a chocolate steamboat truck n v will surely patronise...

lastly.. back to kepong baru. went 7-11 to buy drinks n head to +2's house to continue our chit chatting...
wow.. although i m quite sleepy.. still v continue to talk since every1 is so excited..
n went home at 2.30Am.. our session ended wif a lovely photo...

Friday, May 29, 2009














Thursday, May 28, 2009





Rahsia Melalui Tulisan

Pertama : Tekanan
i. Tekanan yang kuat
Seseorang yang menulis dengan kuat tekanannya sehingga berbekas di bahagian belakang kertas.
• Sihat, cergas, pantas dan sedikit agresif

ii. Tekanan yang ringan
Seseorang yang menulis dengan lembut dan ringan dan tidak berbekas.
• Kurang bertenaga, kurang sihat dan mudah sakit

Kedua : Bentuk Tulisan
i. Tulisan yang bulat-bulat
Semua huruf ditulis dengan bulat
• Emosional, prihatin, pengasih penyayang, kepekaan tinggi dan banyak memakai otak di sebelah kanan (otak kreatif)

ii. Tulisan yang tajam-tajam atau leper-leper Tulisan yang angular dan sharp • Rasional, berkerja dgn sistematik, pandai mengurus dan banyak memakai otak di sebelah kiri (otak logical)

Ketiga : Kecondongan
i.. Condong ke kanan
• Extrovert, suka bercerita, berkongsi maklumat dgn orang lain, peramah, suka campur orang, mudah memimpin, mudah menunjukkan kasih sayang, berani, pemurah

ii. Condong ke kiri
• Introvert, suka menyimpan rahsia, agak pemalu, tak suka berubah, amat setia kepada kekasih, keluarga, organisasi dan negara tetapi tak suka campur orang

iii. Tegak
• Systematic, mudah kawal diri, suka berkawan tetapi tak cari kawan sebaliknya kawan cari dia, tak suka gaduh-gaduh, suka ambil jalan tengah

iv. Campur-campur
• Emosi tak tetap macam remaja yang belum cukup umur atau macam orang perempuan datang bulan (maaf)

Keempat : Kerapatan
i. Jarang-jarang
• Tak suka campur orang, kurang mesra dan sedikit boros.

ii. Rapat-rapat
• Suka campur orang, amat bergantung kepada orang lain, jimat atau kedekut

Kelima : Pada huruf J, G, Y, Z
i. Ada ekor
a) Besar, panjang dan sempurna
• Tahap emosi yang dipamer itu jelas, pengasih & penyayang, pemurah, mudah kesian pada orang, mempamerkan tahap kerajinan

b) Kecil, pendek dan tak sempurna
• Tak pandai mempamerkan emosi, kurang rajin, tak pandai mempamerkan kasih sayang walaupun sayang itu banyak dalam diri

Keenam : Pada palang huruf kecil T (t)
i. Tinggi
• Tahap aspirasi tinggi

ii. Rendah
• Mudah berpuas hati, cita-cita rendah

iii. Tengah-tengah
• Usaha dan tahap pencapaian itu di tahap sederhana

Rumusan : -
Tulisan mencerminkan peribadi... Kita boleh menukar tulisan kita untuk mengubah peribadi dan Personaliti kita dengan sengaja supaya kita cemerlang dalam hidup...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


例如 4月12日出生的人,出生水果是西瓜,所象徵的就是獨立個性。
12/23~1/1 蘋果
1/2~1/11 橙
1/12~1/24 檸檬
1/25~2/3 水蜜桃
2/4~2/8 啤梨
2/9~2/18 青提子
2/19~2/28 椰子
3/1~3/10 果
3/11~3/20 火龍果
3/21 黑提子
3/22~3/31 車厘子
4/1~4/10 藍莓
4/11~4/20 西瓜
4/21~4/30 香蕉
5/1~5/14 啤梨
5/15~5/24 哈密瓜
5/25~6/3 牛油果
6/4~6/13 蜜瓜
6/14~6/23 士多啤梨
6/24 菠蘿
6/25~7/4 蘋果
7/5~7/14 橙
7/15~7/25 檸檬
7/26~8/4 水蜜桃
8/5~8/13 啤梨
8/14~8/23 青提子
8/24~9/2 椰子
9/3~9/12 果
9/13~9/22 火龍果
9/23 木瓜
9/24~10/3 車厘子
10/4~10/13 藍莓
10/14~10/23 西瓜
10/24~11/11 香蕉
11/12~11/21 哈密瓜
11/22~12/1 牛油果
12/2~12/11 蜜瓜
12/12~12/22 士多啤梨

木 瓜
老 練

菠 蘿
誠 懇

士 多 啤 梨
堅 強

蜜 瓜
規 律

孤 僻

檸 檬
助 人
你有慷慨、幽默的個性,曉得令朋友高興的法門,又喜歡幫他人想辦法解決疑難,朋友與你相處都感到舒服愉快, 不過你卻不易寬恕別人的錯。

水 蜜 桃
專 一

啤 梨
猶 豫

蘋 果
愛 心

藍 莓
細 緻

西 瓜
獨 立

香 蕉
熱 情

哈 密 瓜
忠 誠
你對於對與錯的問題有很強烈的判斷,認為是不合理的事一定不會做,所以換來誠實可靠的形象,加上你作風低調 ,深得別人信賴。

牛 油 果
進 取
你擁有很強的上進心,聰明而且做任何事都不錯的天分,不過處事方式較為自我,從不理會別人的意見和批評, 但戀人的說話則是例外。

青 提 子
自 信

椰 子
波 動

憂 鬱

火 龍 果
自 強

黑 提 子
勇 敢

車 厘 子
樂 觀

環球小姐機智問答最辣的一題 [18+]

Question: Ms America, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
問:美 國小姐,請形容貴國男性的性器官。

Ms America: Well, I can say that male organs in Americaare like gentlemen.
美 國小姐:美國的男性器官像紳士。

Question: How can you say so?

Ms America: Because it stands every time it sees a woman......
美 國小姐:因為只要一看到女士,他們就會起立......

(鼓掌、鼓掌 )

Question: Ms Spain, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
問:西 班牙小姐,請形容貴國男性的性器官。

Ms Spain: Male organs in our country are like our very own Bullfight or Toro(Bull)
西 班牙小姐:西班牙的男性器官像鬥牛。

Question: How can you say so?

Ms Spain: Because it charges every time it sees an opening.
西 班牙小姐:因為只要看到有洞就會出擊。

(Applause! Applause !)
(鼓掌、鼓掌 )

Question: Ms Philippines, how do you describe a male organ in your country?

Ms Philippines: Well, I can say that male organs in our country are like gossip or rumors.

Question: How can you say so?

Ms Philippines: Because it passes from mouth to mouth.

(Applause!Applause! Standing Ovation! Applause! Applause!)
(鼓掌、鼓掌,起立喝采,鼓掌、鼓掌 )

Question: Ms Iran, how do you describe a male organ in your Country?
問: 伊朗小姐,請形容貴國男性的性器官。

Ms Iran: Well, I can say that male organs in Iranare like thieves.

Question: How can you say so?

Ms I ran: Because they like to enter through the back door.

(Applause!Applause! Laughter! Laughter! Applause! Applause!)
(鼓掌、鼓掌,大笑、大笑,鼓掌、鼓掌 )

Question: Ms India, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
問: 印度小姐,請形容貴國男性的性器官。

Ms India: Well, I can say the male organs in Indiaare like laborers.

Question: How can you say so?

Ms India: Because it works day and night......
印度小姐:因為日夜勞 "做" 。

(Applause!Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause!)
(鼓掌、鼓掌、鼓掌、鼓掌、鼓掌、鼓掌 )

Question: Ms Malaysia, how do you describe a male organ in your country?

Ms Malaysia: Well, I can say that Male Organs in Malaysiaare like Proton car.
馬來西亞小姐:馬來西亞的男性器官像 Proton 牌轎車( 馬來西 亞國產車 )。

Question: How can you say so?

Ms Malaysia: Look tough but actually very soft.
馬來西亞小姐:看起來很硬 (造型類似HONDA) 其實很軟(一撞就 變形) 。

(Applause!Applause! Laughter! Laughter! Applause! Applause!)
(鼓掌、鼓掌,大笑、大笑,鼓掌、鼓掌 )

Question: Ms Singapore,how do you describe a male organ in your country?

Ms Singapore: Well, I can say that male organ In Singapore is very Kiasu (Afraid to lose).

Question: How can you say so?

Ms Singapore: It always wants to rush in quick and leave 15 minutes before the show is over...
新加坡小姐:總是衝進場,提前 15分鐘出場。

(Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause!)
(鼓掌、鼓掌、鼓掌、鼓掌、鼓掌、鼓掌 )

Question: Ms China, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
問:中 國小姐,請形容貴國男性的性器官。

Ms China: Well, I can say that Male Organs in Chinaare like Deng Siu Ping.
中 國小姐:中國的男性器官像鄧小平.

Question: How can you say so?

Ms China: Short and hard working, but can work until 90.
中 國小姐:短小精幹,但卻可以工作到九十歲。

(Applause!Applause! Laughter! Laughter! Applause! Applause!)
(鼓掌、鼓掌,大笑、大笑,鼓掌、鼓掌 )

Question: Ms Taiwan, how do you describe a male organ in your country?

Ms Taiwan: Well, I can say that Male Organs in Taiwan are like Chen Shui-Pian.

Question: How can you say so?

Ms Taiwan: Can’t work at all, but still brag and quibble rascally .

( 鼓掌、鼓掌,鼓掌、鼓掌、大笑、大笑,鼓掌、鼓掌,鼓掌、鼓掌、大笑、大笑。 )

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cham Panas

my team leader wanna buy breakfast for us tmr.. then she asked my colleague to take order from us. so i ordered cham panas. but all of them looked at me wif a strange look... am i wrong? is there anything called cham?
cham = kopi + teh
correct rite?
tell me if i m wrong.
i asked them: kalau tidak, itu panggil apa?
they cant answer me. but in the same time they still dunno wat's cham.
i always called it cham n i got to drink it everytime i order. those ppl wont look at me wif tis strange look.
ok.. pls tell me if it's not called cham. other name maybe?

Monday, May 25, 2009




Sunday, May 24, 2009




Saturday, May 23, 2009






Thursday, May 21, 2009


had a piece of caramel cheese cake from secret recipe for lunch.. hmm.. yummy.. planned to eat it too nite but i think i ll b too full to eat it n too fattening to eat it at nite.. haha.. tis is health conscious.
so brought it to office n eat it during lunch..

yea.. satisfied! n i can work now... haha (not really actually.. feel asleep.. slept at 12am yesterday... hmm.. i wanna sleep... mummy... ^^)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

H@p - PeE

yea, met wei jenn, pei yin n hui yee after my work.. it's really cool.. n sumhow met hin yew, eu riang n hau keat as well.. haha... long time didnt c them di.. although just a short chat, tat's enough for us.. i know v ll hav more to talk but sumtimes a short 1 doesnt mean tat it's not good. v treasure the time being together, enjoy the chit chatting...

had dinner in kim gary. since pei yin never been there b4. 3 of them had cheese baked rice n i had a thick toast n redbean ice... nice nice..

n finally went to why pay ore to grab my bag... yes.. spotted tat on sun n decided to buy it since i m working now.. just an award for myself la...

then v just loiter around mv... without any destination.. =p
but our ms pharmacy koh was so excited when v went into watson n passed by the durex corner.. she was doing all the explaination on wat's the different n y it's super FINE... hahah... although i was not in the conversation as i was on the phone... but i can feel the excitement of her.. n she was laughing non stop even after v left watson... k.. guys.. listen here.. if any1 interested to know more bout durex.. just contact pharmacy koh ya.. ^^

finally... v got to take a pic of of us... wei jenn's sis was the cameraman.. paiseh lo.. ^^

went home n tat's the end.. a short n simple 1 but it's a happy n satisfied meet up.. hope to meet them more often...

hey guys: i ll b taking leave on 10/7.. (should b) so any1 free to meet up?? come la come la.. wanna sing k...


i saw 2 rainbow this morning. just cant tell, a special feeling for rainbow. looking at it, i know that everything ll b fine. a small n soft voice from my heart saying that "2day ll b great". just cant explain. y i like rainbow so much. mayb is the color. the 7 colors. when they combined, there ll b a magical chemistry which made me so happy n pleasant to c it.
n i saw 2 tis morning after the early workout. hmm... ok.. it's great. went to work wif a pleasant heart n i know it ll b a great day coz i m meeting my frens tis evening.. hmm... just cant wait.. cant wait till 6pm...
i know time ll flies.. (like a kazat.. hahah... peiyin's enemy)

ok.. enough crapping here.. it's lunch hr.. so i ll take a good rest n continue to work for the remaining 4 hrs...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

too much fun

once again i realised i still dun have enough sleep lo.. i m so sleepy tis morning.. dun feel like waking up.. mayb too much fun on weekend.. made me not to rest well n still so excited over the weenkend.. hmm.. not a good sign.. i must shift back to a working mood.. yes yes yes... i must work.. n today there is a new guy buddying wif me.. so i cant do too much blogging, email.. coz he can read mandarin.. he's a malay but he studied in chinese medium primary n secondary school.. so.. cant write anything bad bout him... =p
but for now.. still ok wif him.. n hopefully everything goes well n 6pm ll reach very soon...
looking forward for the outting wif wei jenn, hui yee n pei yin 2mr.. more motivation for me to work.. cant wait.. cant wait..
hey guys, v must take at least a photo 2mr ya!! cya tmr...

Monday, May 18, 2009

not enough sleep

yes.. i realised that 8 hrs of sleep from yesterday is still not enough to cover for not sleeping on sat. i m soooo tired n sleepy tis morning.. my mind cant even think.. my head was so heavy.. but i still woke up for work.. but then.. when my grandma asked my mum to bring her for doctor... hmm.. the light bulb in my mind blinked.. yes.. i hear my mum said: ying also wanna c doc
yes yes.. i wanna c doc coz of the allergy on my skin.. but then.. u know wat... if c doc means i can get mc.. if i got a mc means.... I DUN NEED TO WORK.. haha..
yes yes.. so i changed my work clothes to normal wear n went to clinic... ^^ (dun follow my steps ya.. not good for u.. =p)
n u know wat.. the clinic was fulled wif patient.. yes.. it's fulled.. the clinic open at 8am n i went at 8.30am.. n i got no.24.. tat's not the main point.. the main point is i waited for 1 n a half hr just to c the doc.. oh.. i nearly faint in the clinic coz i m so tired di.. cant even concentrate...
then went home.. still cant sleep yet (as hyee asked me to sleep till noon) need to go to bangsar to collect cake from my colleague.. he bought cake from secret recipe on bhalf of me coz he has discount for that (8pcs for only rm30) so i cant sleep coz i m afraid tat i cant wake up on time... after collecting.. i need to fecth my bro from school.. yes.. wat's a hectic morning.. ok.. here comes the end.. finally i can only sleep at 2.30pm.. took a 2 hrs nap n woke up to cook pudding... c.. i didnt go for work but still so many stuff for me to do at home..
then went jogging.. n finally took a shower n sit down for drama.. my usual routine at nite..
hmm... i hope it ll b better tmr... n i cant take mc anymore.. or else my company ll fire me la.. =p
ok.. 4 more days for work... good luck!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


hmm.. sad to say that msia lost in the semi finals... but i really think that they played quite well.. ok.. i know they ll train harded n try next time.. i ll support them too...
it's still good that v got bronze.. not too bad..
china n korea is in the finals now.. so let's c who ll win the game..

not sleeping for whole nite watching drama.. then went out wif sis n christal.. to iyc to do recce then to midvalley to look for a bear as raleigh bear.. yes.. it's raleigh bear.. v ll pass the bear around.. wif a white(which looks cheap n ugly) raleigh shirt.. =p
but u know la... v were attracted by the sales.. the clothes.. so v went shopping 1st b4 looking for a suitable bear.. ^^
lot's of sales in mv.. n tis took us almost 6 hrs in mv.. haha... then had ipoh bean sprouts chicken rice.. not bad.. quite nice.. n it's 10sumthing di.. so v headed home wif a tired body n mind...
yes.. i m really tired.. my mind cant work at the moment.. it's true.. reached home, took bath n sleep straight!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


yeah.. today is a shopping day.. bought pants this morning n after bf, went the curve wif hui yee, pei yin, khai leng n ser keong.. yes. it's ser keong. never met him for so long since he was back from spore.. ok.. now is the time.. he didnt change much.. still the same. luckily v still managed to find the rite topic to talk to.. not bad.. watched angels n demons.. i like this movie. simple story line. easy to understand. but worth watching. get to c wat n how professor langdon n dr victoria do to save the church.. to be exact - the society. n can c the nice scene in rome. u should watch urself. the sound effect was good too... made me so nervous when it comes to the climax.
then went ikea for late lunch. had daim cake.. nice.. woonchin recommended to me long time ago but i didnt get to eat.. n i got it today.. the free flow cappucino was good.. love it.. then v chit chated for so long in ikea cafe... talk from north to south, east to west.. good n bad.. haha... girls ma.. so v hav endless topics lo (sorry to ignore ser keong as a guy la.. haha)

n as peiyin mentioned in her blog, v got a goodie bag from cleo by just registering as a member of cleo.. yea yea.. got garnier mask, garnier body scrub, cleo merchandise.. ser keong was so regreted for not registering.. haha...

went to daiso.. my favourite shop.. coz i love to c the stuff in there.. wide range of product from japan.. easily grab sumthing from there.. n it's only rm5 per item.. got myself a germanium power bracelet(serkeong bought 1 too coz it says it can relief soreness n stress, so v wold like to try if it works), a shoe console n a clothes organiser...

v also went nichii fashion city n fos to do some window shopping.. just to c wat's the lastest fashion for this season.. n the most important thing is to educate ser keong on fashion.. he cant even differentiate a blouse n a skirt... haha... sounds so funny went four of us said "it's a skirt" so loudly in nichii fashion.. haha...
it seems like a short program but it spends us 6 n a half hr in the curve... yes.. almost half a day there..
i m quite happy to meet them coz as they(hui yee especially) said i was so busy since last year n didnt get to meet them.. hmm... i think hui yee is the one who is busy lo... haha... so hard to c her.. =p

kla.. v planned to meet again on wed after my work.. hopefully it's on.. wanna meet wei jenn too.. long time didnt meet her.. my last time was during netcousins workshop (oh hui yee... it was netcousins workshop.. not during my race.. haha... i thought of it when i was bathing...)

ok.. a great day.. msia playing against china in sudirman cup semi finals tonite... best of luck to msia!!
**hey guys.. sorry for not rotating some of the pics.. too lazy.. =p

Friday, May 15, 2009


yes.. malaysia is in the sudirman cup semi finals.. we won the match against denmark. this is the best result as last time it was only no.6

men single, men double n women single played well yesterday... mixed double also quite ok.. but women double need to do more work on that.. they supposingly should win the match but i dunno why they kept on making mistakes.. they shouldnt be having any pressure coz their match is not that important di.. msia already in the semi finals.. they should play well... anyway.. still hope that they ll perform well in semi finals against china team.. so.. GO MALAYSIA!!

pray hard for malaysia n i ll always support MALAYSIA team!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

DOB tells about you

If U were born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month then U r number 5...

Number 5
You are very popular within the community, you can get things done by just even enemies! You have a pretty good business mind, you are often have no-idea what is today is like, or tomorrow is like, you are a person who does anything when your head thinks "lets do this". You will be famous if you open up a business, get involve in share dealings, music etc.. Very popular with sense of humor ,you are the one your friends and families will always ask for help, and you are the one actually get money on credit and help your friends. You will have more than 1 relationship, but when u get settle down you will be a bit selfish anyway. Coz your other half will have a pretty good amount of control in you, be careful! You tend to go for other relationships! Contacts even you are married at times 'coz your popularity.. You are someone who get along with anyone coz the number 5 is the middle number.. Changes & freedom lovers you are! You are an explorer with magic on your face. You learn your life through experience and it's your best teacher!!!

Your best match 1 ,2 ,9. Good match 6 ,8 !!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009




Monday, May 11, 2009


watched malaysia playing against hong kong in sudirman cup. cheering n shouting n finally, malaysia beat hong kong by 4-1.. good.. so the next step is to beat denmark then malaysia will b able to play in semi finals.. is a waste that julia wong has injured her leg or else v might beat hk by 5-0.. haha..
every1 performed well.. n hopefully everything goes well in the match against denmark n also in semi finals..
i ll support u guys!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

h@ppY mOtHeRs' d@Y

just wanna wish all the moms happy mothers' day...
have a great day n enjoy..

to mom: didnt get to buy anything YET... yes.. it's YET.. i ll surely buy u something..
buying secret recipe cake home.. hope u ll like it.. =p

Saturday, May 9, 2009





Friday, May 8, 2009




Thursday, May 7, 2009

call it a day

it's thursday.. yo yo.. today didnt get to on9 too much coz a new girl just joined our team n she is buddying wif me.. so as her SIFU(tak mau muka) i must b the role model ma.. cant curi ayam like i used to b.. haha.. kla.. just drop by to buat kecoh.. tat's all.. catch up soon!!

frens, have a nice day!!

**aunt has passed away for 35 days di.. so fast.. time really flies ~~

it's waileng's birthday today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

taking half day leave and sharing u this -->

Try this mind game when u free......good for de stress......
This is strange...can you figure it out?
Are you the 2% or 98% of the population?
Follow the instructions!
* Do the following exercise, guaranteed to raise an eyebrow.
* There's no trick or surprise.
* Just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can!
* Again, as quickly as you can but don't advance until you've done each of them ... really.
* Now, scroll down (but not too fast, you might miss something.)

Think of a number from 1 to 10

Multiply that number by 9

If the number is a 2-digit number, add the digits together

Now subtract 5

Determine which letter in the alphabet corresponds to the number you ended up with (example: 1=a, 2=b, 3=c,etc.)

Think of a country that starts with that letter.

Remember the last letter of the name of that country.

Think of the name of an animal that starts with that letter.

Remember the last letter in the name of that animal.

Think of the name of a fruit that starts with that letter.

Are you thinking of a Kangaroo in Denmark eating an Orange?

I told you this was FREAKY!! If not, you're among the 2% of the population whose minds are different enough to think of something else. 98% of people will answer with kangaroos in Denmark when given this exercise. Keep this message going. This one is actually worth sending on to others. Forward it to people you know so they can find out if they are usual or unusual.

Monday, May 4, 2009


3 of us wore GREEN!!
i really like tis pic!! ^^

Sunday, May 3, 2009

dessert wif FWC

went for dessert at desa park city wif our MISS FWC
she said she wanna meet me..
miss me ke FWC? haha
it was 1 month already since the last time i met her
chit chated... exchanged info..
overall not bad...
n i promised her to bring her for lunch
i PROMISED ok? so u must make urself free n available lo..

Saturday, May 2, 2009


oh.. LEE HOM is having concert today... planned to stalk him at 1st.. but dunno where to stalk la.. hmm... i wish i can go for the concert... i know it ll b nice.. but i m not tat kind of person who can spend few hundred dollars to go for a concert... but if i buy the cheap ticket.. i cant c him clearly.. i rather c him in the internet..
okok.. wish him all the best..
i ll always support him..


supporting him from far... ^^

Friday, May 1, 2009

h@ppY L@bOuR d@Y

hey, happy labour day.. n bcoz of tis.. i have a day off... actually quite tired wif calling but wat to do.. nothing to do if i stay at home.. n money wont come.. so must sacrifice a bit... at least there is sum1 to talk wif during work.. (not customers ok? i m not tat busy body... i mean my colleague...) then just wait for briefing/meeting/ event so tat i wont need to call.. haha... there is always a way to curi ayam la.. just tat if u wanna do it... (without notice.. tis is a high level curi ayam)

okok.. went to logs room to arrange stuff for iw.. luckily everything gone well.. completed everything in time.. then went for lunch at calories (sri petaling) n went home..

b baby sitter for my little cousins.. tis is more tiring.. haha...

ok.. had a great day thou.. really appreciate the holidays.. working is really tiring.. so i wish aug ll reach soon.. i wanna go hk for studies..

zhiyong is going taiwan for studies.. can visit him next time.. (another excuse to go travel.. =p)