had dinner in kim gary. since pei yin never been there b4. 3 of them had cheese baked rice n i had a thick toast n redbean ice... nice nice..
n finally went to why pay ore to grab my bag... yes.. spotted tat on sun n decided to buy it since i m working now.. just an award for myself la...
but our ms pharmacy koh was so excited when v went into watson n passed by the durex corner.. she was doing all the explaination on wat's the different n y it's super FINE... hahah... although i was not in the conversation as i was on the phone... but i can feel the excitement of her.. n she was laughing non stop even after v left watson... k.. guys.. listen here.. if any1 interested to know more bout durex.. just contact pharmacy koh ya.. ^^
finally... v got to take a pic of of us... wei jenn's sis was the cameraman.. paiseh lo.. ^^
hey guys: i ll b taking leave on 10/7.. (should b) so any1 free to meet up?? come la come la.. wanna sing k...
OMG!!!!!! i takda xing xiang d.....
eh juenn was d pro ok
i was juz listening and laughing
and adding mayb a lil.....
haha... dun think of xing xiang la.. dun dun have it... wahaha.. jkjk...
anyway.. even u dun hav xing xiang.. all the guys will still stick their eyes on u.. so no worries la.. ^^ ur prince charming wont mind...
where got... dun simply accuse me leh... u were the pro ok.. no doubt about that.....
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