yes.. it's wei lun's birthday today.. v seems to be great working partner. joined scouts together since form1. n amazingly v were in the same patrol. then atheletics team. classmates. monitors in form 3. atheletics captain in form 5. he quitted scouts in form 4 n i quitted atheletics in form 5(which not many ppl will realise this... as i still participate in MSSMKL) it was all great experience that v went through together. time that v spent in gym room. (including training n playing truant =p)
he is now in aus and i m in hk.
met him when he was back in msia during CNY
(if i m not mistaken)
i know eventhough v cant meet each other often, our friendship will never change.
have a great time buddy!
study hard (but not too hard as u need to rest sometimes)
n enjoy ur life!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
it's hui yee's birthday.. happy birthday dude..i know her for dunno how many years di... since primary.. in a science tuition class, then it continues till BM, maths tuition in form1... then same class... n till now.. at least 10 years. it's such an "arrangement" i would say.. both our sis r classmates.. then us... n our younger bro n sis...
so wat else i can say?
i can never leave u di... LEONG HUI YEE!!
have a sweet sweet 20 n also of coz wif ur DEAR lo... =p
birthday wish all the way from HK!!
so wat else i can say?
i can never leave u di... LEONG HUI YEE!!
have a sweet sweet 20 n also of coz wif ur DEAR lo... =p
birthday wish all the way from HK!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
realised that ppl tend to post bout saturdays..
the most common 1 will b "tmr is saturday" or "today is saturday"
then will talk bout wat they planned to do, or wat they have done over the week.
yea, for me, saturday is like a day for me to relax, pace down, but not purely playing n enjoying my life here. i have to use my weekends wisely so that i can do all the revision, assignments within these 2 days.
locals ll always go home, left those non locals.
n i dunno y i m not that close to non locals compared to locals. so i ll always stay in room doing my own stuff.
more n more adapted to hall life
have a clearer pic on when to study n when to play
plans r up 1 by 1
mayb tis is wat hall life gave me
let me think bout my life as in how i want it to be
as such it can be all activities
or all studies
but i know that tis is so not me
there must b a balanced studies n activities
somehow i ll step back n think wat's best for me
will it affect my studies
wat can i do to improve my academic
i think i m getting it
it's tiring sumtimes
but i know i cant give up
wish me luck
just releasing wat's in my mind
n just simply a scribbled post
i m still LUYING
no worries!
the most common 1 will b "tmr is saturday" or "today is saturday"
then will talk bout wat they planned to do, or wat they have done over the week.
yea, for me, saturday is like a day for me to relax, pace down, but not purely playing n enjoying my life here. i have to use my weekends wisely so that i can do all the revision, assignments within these 2 days.
locals ll always go home, left those non locals.
n i dunno y i m not that close to non locals compared to locals. so i ll always stay in room doing my own stuff.
more n more adapted to hall life
have a clearer pic on when to study n when to play
plans r up 1 by 1
mayb tis is wat hall life gave me
let me think bout my life as in how i want it to be
as such it can be all activities
or all studies
but i know that tis is so not me
there must b a balanced studies n activities
somehow i ll step back n think wat's best for me
will it affect my studies
wat can i do to improve my academic
i think i m getting it
it's tiring sumtimes
but i know i cant give up
wish me luck
just releasing wat's in my mind
n just simply a scribbled post
i m still LUYING
no worries!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
just a random post

went for firm visit.
then took tram back
passed by some places that i went wif sis, woonchin, christal.... n of course mum
so took pics using my phone

how i wish i can go travel wif them
it seems like everytime i passed by places that v "crazy-ed" together, i ll stop for a while, think of them, refresh wat i did wif them
travelling wif frens r really fun
wondering when i can meet karyee, peiyan, khaileng, u3, yanshan... n travel wif them
guys, remember our aim: travel overseas....
of course i remembered i said tis b4: travel wif u guys next summer when i m back!
cant wait for 30/12
wanna travel wif mum, sis b bros
should b funny
although i ll still b the tour guide
but tis time can bring them to my hall, some eatery that i usually go
well, tis is random. just presenting wat i got from the firm: nice japanese tibits ><

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
spicy food + stomachache
i miss spicy food.
went for thai food yesterday n i m suffering stomachache now
perhaps didnt have spicy food for long
n my little tummy cant take it when i consumed spicy food out of sudden =p
felt excited (though a bit sleepy now)
getting my fujitsu laptop later at 12.30pm (right after my class)
will surely blog bout it... yuhoo!!
**excitement > stomachache
= syiok sendiri!!
went for thai food yesterday n i m suffering stomachache now
perhaps didnt have spicy food for long
n my little tummy cant take it when i consumed spicy food out of sudden =p
felt excited (though a bit sleepy now)
getting my fujitsu laptop later at 12.30pm (right after my class)
will surely blog bout it... yuhoo!!
**excitement > stomachache
= syiok sendiri!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
endless assignments
yea... endless assignments tat i need to complete.
almost every week - there ll b at least 1 assignment
plus revison, hall activities, training....
uni life... n tis is just the beginning point
so i must stay wif it!!
LuYing, add oil!! =p
almost every week - there ll b at least 1 assignment
plus revison, hall activities, training....
uni life... n tis is just the beginning point
so i must stay wif it!!
LuYing, add oil!! =p
Saturday, September 19, 2009
i bet my sis ll kill me after reading tis blog
but who cares?
from the consequences of repeating my clothes like every week or 1.5 week, finally i decided to buy some new clothes
at 1st plan to buy them in shenzhen since i need to leave hk n enter again as STUDENT status (for more details, pls read the previous blog)
but then i really cant stand with wearing the same clothes every week
n some of my clothes r fading
i brought all new shirts from msia
n also those i bought in bali
yea.. went to causeway bay in the evening
suppose to meet lydia as christal has a bag of stuff for RHK
so i went earlier to shop
went to a bazaar
but all the stuff are branded
even after discount
i dun think worth it
coz i dun really wear branded stuff
so left the place after loitering awhile
n decided to head to world trade centre
n patronise sis's favourite shop
actually just wanted to c if there is any sales
n who knows
the stuff r really cheap than wat i saw outside
n i got a conclusion here: it's hard to find unbranded/lower range stuff in hk
wat i mean is really diff from msia
normally in msia, if u go into a shopping mall, there ll b some cheaper brand
but i cant find any in hk - mayb i didnt shop much... but not even brand which similar to radioactive, padini, blue toms...
ok.. back to UNI QLO
tis is a brand from japan
but the stuff r cheaper than bossini, giodano....
ok.. let me show u wat i bought:
Friday, September 18, 2009
badminton + Judo
1st badminton training for hall.
really cool
get to play badminton finally
n today is KKK's birthday.
dun u feel tat it's meaningful?
here's a pic of KKK n TBH:
n went judo training after that.
really really fun
so diff from taekwondo
n i really enjoy it although it's just the 1st training
v learnt all basic things
n tis is normal
cant wait for the next training on mon!!
unit O
just to share wif u wat i did during the unit o
had fun n enjoying my life in hk
or precisely in my hall - STARR hall
i do enjoy everything here
but of course miss my frens over the sea
luckily have the chance to chat
n read their blog
oh yea.. slept quite late everyday coz got activities going on
n v need to do 100 room visits..
the purpose is to let us know more currents
n learn more about the hall, the uni
n how to survive throughtout these 3 years
yea.. treat it as a chatting session
n everything ll go well after all..
n everything ll go well after all..
this is always wat i believe
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
typhoon no8
typhoon no8 was announced yestesday at hr1755. n it continues... all of us were hoping that the no8 typhoon will not go so that v dun need to attend classes... so my fren n i were checking on9 to c wat time will the typhoon away from hk... =p
somehow.. i didnt managed to do so.. so woke up at hr0715 to check on9 wat's the typhoon signal n it was still 8.. haha... means my 0830 class will b cancelled..
* for ur info, if the typhoon no8 or above is hoisted at 0600 or after, all the morning classes b4 2pm will be cancelled.. =p
if still remained at or after hr1100, all the classes after 2pm n b4 6pm will b cancelled.
so i back to sleep.. somehow i felt tired these few weeks.. mayb is the side effect from the orientation.. thus i need to spend extra time to study n sacrifice my sleep time.. so i skipped yesterday's activities. it really helps.. coz i managed to finish my accounting assignment.. i know it gonna b busy after this.. plus team training. so i really need to know when to play n when not to play.. when to accept n when to reject.. luckily my unit mates r considerate.. they know that an actuarial science student is busy.. so if i tell them i have assignment to do, they ll let me to close myself in the room.. of course i ll surely join them when i m able to do so... n i wish to join them.. btw.. i just want it b like wat i did at home.. hw+ tv in the same time.. yea.. i know i can do it.. study alone in the room without tv is just so not me.. =p
aiks... i copied my timetable wrongly in the 1st week.. n the consequences are really big and cant be estimated... if i realised tis earlier.. i might not need to attend classes today coz the afternoon class is econ tutorial which i can attend it yesterday... it's ok.. a lesson learnt! again...
somehow.. i didnt managed to do so.. so woke up at hr0715 to check on9 wat's the typhoon signal n it was still 8.. haha... means my 0830 class will b cancelled..
* for ur info, if the typhoon no8 or above is hoisted at 0600 or after, all the morning classes b4 2pm will be cancelled.. =p
if still remained at or after hr1100, all the classes after 2pm n b4 6pm will b cancelled.
so i back to sleep.. somehow i felt tired these few weeks.. mayb is the side effect from the orientation.. thus i need to spend extra time to study n sacrifice my sleep time.. so i skipped yesterday's activities. it really helps.. coz i managed to finish my accounting assignment.. i know it gonna b busy after this.. plus team training. so i really need to know when to play n when not to play.. when to accept n when to reject.. luckily my unit mates r considerate.. they know that an actuarial science student is busy.. so if i tell them i have assignment to do, they ll let me to close myself in the room.. of course i ll surely join them when i m able to do so... n i wish to join them.. btw.. i just want it b like wat i did at home.. hw+ tv in the same time.. yea.. i know i can do it.. study alone in the room without tv is just so not me.. =p
aiks... i copied my timetable wrongly in the 1st week.. n the consequences are really big and cant be estimated... if i realised tis earlier.. i might not need to attend classes today coz the afternoon class is econ tutorial which i can attend it yesterday... it's ok.. a lesson learnt! again...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
all the way from msia
i got my stuff from christal...
it's all the LOVE from msia..
food, clothes, vitamins, my notes
n the most important thing is CHOCOLATE MOONCAKE!
yea yea.. i love it a lot..
but i didnt receive my msia flag.. i planned to deco my room wif msia flag.. (so patriotism rite.. =p)
anyway.. really happy to c something which i familiar with..
oh yea.. went to timesquare at causeway bay to buy my shoes.. there is a sports bazaar selling cheap stuff.. so i managed to buy my nike basketball shoes for only hkd190... =p
Thursday, September 10, 2009
latest news
the signal has upgraded to typhoon no3!!
typhoon signal no1
guess wat i realised tis morning..
when i tap my access card at the counter as usual, i saw a notice stating:
"typhoon signal no1 has effective"
kinda excited coz never experience b4... but the wind is just normal.. like the winds tat v ll experience b4 it's going to rain in msia.. so no big deal... n i still need to attend classes.. =p
when i tap my access card at the counter as usual, i saw a notice stating:
"typhoon signal no1 has effective"
kinda excited coz never experience b4... but the wind is just normal.. like the winds tat v ll experience b4 it's going to rain in msia.. so no big deal... n i still need to attend classes.. =p
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
remebered i said my room got seaview?? tis is the nite view from my room.. but tis is not the best.. got even better view on higher floor like 20 floor.. fantastic i tell u...
n of course i wont waste my time n effort for going to wanchai. i settle my laptop payment.. went around looking for best n cheap phone operator... n i got it.. bought my hp finally.. nokia5800 for hkd788.. i think it worth it.. then bought blazer.. as i dun have a plain black blazer wif me previously.. n coincidently walk till tram station.. n the tram is towards my place.. so took a pleasure time on it... n her's some photos i took during the ride..
lastly.. wat i waited for.. nokia5800 - hkd788 (it's original.. just tat i have a 18months contract wif the phone operator..)
conclusion: i m managing myself in hk.. learning everyday.. time for dinner.. ciaoz!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
hall o over - here come the unit o
the hall orietation has over but the spirit of orientation continues.
having unit orientation this thurs n fri and also next mon till sat
for those who dun understand wat unit is, let me explain:
a unit is formed by a male floor n female floor: ie 6th floor (male) n 7th floor(female)
n tis is my unit... i'm in 7th floor
so each unit ll have their own orientation activities as each unit has their own culture.
so far i like my floor. the unit mate r nice, orientation activities r good - not that harsh. (i heard that some of the unit o r harsh... like in jail.. =p)
surprisingly.. my unit has lots of non locals - taiwan, fujian but stay in australia, canadian but studied in usa, korean, jamaica, usa, china, india n of course me - the MALAYSIAN
but all of us mixed well
had a unit dinner (of 40ppl) on thurs n ice breaking games on thurs and da bin lo(308 - ur favorite!!) yesterday
i think everything will go smoothly after all. slowly in the track of uni now.. really need a good time management.
**for ppl wondering y i can on9... i borrow my fren's laptop until i got my own as she got her new 1.. i gonna get 1 but i think can only collect in october... so guys.. just buzz me whenever u r free.. =p
(thinking if going for uni team basketball selection on mon - thought it will b busy so dun wanna commit too much but it seems like i got the control of time.. hmm... n also badminton uni team selection on 16/9 .. the fact is i ll surely join the hall badminton team n basketball team.. training has not started so dun really can estimate my study time. anyway.. i got some plans for me to cope well in both.. hopefully it works)
wish me luck, frens!
presenting my unit mates:
having unit orientation this thurs n fri and also next mon till sat
for those who dun understand wat unit is, let me explain:
a unit is formed by a male floor n female floor: ie 6th floor (male) n 7th floor(female)
n tis is my unit... i'm in 7th floor
so each unit ll have their own orientation activities as each unit has their own culture.
so far i like my floor. the unit mate r nice, orientation activities r good - not that harsh. (i heard that some of the unit o r harsh... like in jail.. =p)
surprisingly.. my unit has lots of non locals - taiwan, fujian but stay in australia, canadian but studied in usa, korean, jamaica, usa, china, india n of course me - the MALAYSIAN
but all of us mixed well
had a unit dinner (of 40ppl) on thurs n ice breaking games on thurs and da bin lo(308 - ur favorite!!) yesterday
i think everything will go smoothly after all. slowly in the track of uni now.. really need a good time management.
**for ppl wondering y i can on9... i borrow my fren's laptop until i got my own as she got her new 1.. i gonna get 1 but i think can only collect in october... so guys.. just buzz me whenever u r free.. =p
(thinking if going for uni team basketball selection on mon - thought it will b busy so dun wanna commit too much but it seems like i got the control of time.. hmm... n also badminton uni team selection on 16/9 .. the fact is i ll surely join the hall badminton team n basketball team.. training has not started so dun really can estimate my study time. anyway.. i got some plans for me to cope well in both.. hopefully it works)
wish me luck, frens!
presenting my unit mates:
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
to the ppl out there
reply to luyi n christal:
wei.. i got lost in HKU... not HK.. hmm...not really lost.. just that i cant find the short cut ok??
Hau Keat:
i'm great here.. i mentioned hk to show that i always remember u.. as u r my partner ma.. haha
i'm doing well here.. 10days orientation was tiring but fun.. really fun... i think u gonna c some of the pics up in fb soon...
ok... here my report:
1st day of uni:
wat happened?
i overlooked my timetable n missed the class.. so no class today... =p i went into the theatre n realised it was a diff course... hmm.. anyway.. i got the notes from the lecturer.. cool rite? haha
ok.. no such thing anymore... i ll attend all my class on time... effective from tmr!!
wei.. i got lost in HKU... not HK.. hmm...not really lost.. just that i cant find the short cut ok??
Hau Keat:
i'm great here.. i mentioned hk to show that i always remember u.. as u r my partner ma.. haha
i'm doing well here.. 10days orientation was tiring but fun.. really fun... i think u gonna c some of the pics up in fb soon...
ok... here my report:
1st day of uni:
wat happened?
i overlooked my timetable n missed the class.. so no class today... =p i went into the theatre n realised it was a diff course... hmm.. anyway.. i got the notes from the lecturer.. cool rite? haha
ok.. no such thing anymore... i ll attend all my class on time... effective from tmr!!
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