Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
sOmEtHinG nEw
yo.... went to a camp n learnt how to do tis!!! i was suppose to be the station master n my station require participants to do tis!! so i was forced to learn... but.. not bad!! at least i learnt sumthing... the camp takne up most of my energy!!! super tired after the camp... even until now!! today was like hibernating in class when the lecturers were teaching!! no choice!! the air cond is cold, the weather is suitable for me to sleep.... so i must SLEEP!!! haha!!!
and another important thing to tell u guys is.... my birthday is coming soon!!! haha!! left 9 days!! so be ready to giv me sum presents!!! wakaka... k... i shall stop here... scared sum1 might kill me off!!
Friday, June 22, 2007
p/s : 端午节虽然过了,我们还是不能忘本。。。要记得感恩!!(不要围殴我!!)

让我们随国父 Tunku Abdul Rahman 高喊 MERDEKA 吧!!
材料 :红豆,咖啡(Optional),Cream
做法 :把所有材料倒进 Blender!! =P
采购方法 :走进 Starbucks Coffee Shop 告诉店员 Azuki with coffee / Azuki with cream PLEASE!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Masjid Jamek
与老姐到 KLCC 的当儿,偶然发现咱们吉隆坡的发源地!!感到奇怪吧。。。 我在说什么???让我告诉你 KLCC 一日游的经历吧!!
一位广州游客在地铁站问路。他问我要到总站应该到哪一个platform。当时犹豫了一阵子。。。因为他的总站是。。??是 KL Sentral 或是 LRT 的最后一站呢? 然后他告诉我说他住在 Brickfield 的丽都酒店。那么一说,肯定是KL Sentral 了。那我们就顺利地上了地铁。不久后,广州佬就过来聊了几句。他问 "这是地铁还是火车?" 我说是地铁。他又问到 "为什么你们的地铁那么短?又很狭窄。" 这时候,你要我回答什么呢??
一位uncle问我到PWTC 要上哪一个 Platform。我回答他了!(耐心点,我和他之间的事还未结束)
一位要回Raub的Auntie问事件二里的uncle要如何去Jalan Pahang。然后,那位uncle 就告诉她 "你问她好了。" 那句子里面的 "她" 就是我了!!太好 "带协" 了吧。事实上,到Jalan Pahang要在哪儿下车,我真的不知道。那 uncle 就问 Auntie 是不是要到Puduraya。她说不是。然后 uncle 突然想起Jalan Pekeliling。求证后,他就叫她在Titiwangsa站下车。但那Auntie 的反应却是, "我要到Titiwangsa干什么??"
终于到了重点。我和姐看见Kuala Lumpur 发源地!她是兴奋得不得了!!!更多的详情,可游览 http://tomokolulu.blogspot.com/

Happy Fathers' Day
原只想把它完成后,摆房在卧房,让自己有些满足感。。。但在我要完成的前一分钟,妈妈要我把它送给我老爸作父亲节礼物。当时在怀疑老爸喜欢吗?怎么说泰迪熊是小孩的玩意儿。但想想,那是我亲手做的,就算再不喜欢,老爸也会开心的。然后他又可以到处炫耀一下。。那也是个不错的选择!!(再加上还未早到适当的礼物送给他 :p )
全都是亲手制做的喔!!!包括小熊的衣服 =P 厉害吧!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007

PETALING JAYA: National number one Lee Chong Wei gained a point for Malaysia in a 1-4 defeat by mighty China in their final Group A tie of the Sudirman Cup (world mixed team) championships in Glasgow yesterday.
And his efforts to beat world number one Lin Dan in the final match of the tie at the Scotstown International Sports Arena ensured that Malaysia remained in Division One of the championships.
Chong Wei won the match 21-17, 21-17 in 43 minutes.
Monday, June 11, 2007
PIRATES in Action
n not forgetting....
Jalan-jalan, Cari Makan
curry noodle wif beef ball (my breakfast)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Brain Storm
a classic game.. but need sum brain juice... try it... hope it lead u to ur memory lane!!
dun let ur memory of tis game fade out...
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Tense Up
Time Flies....
just wanna inform every1 tat my birthday is coming soon... haha... any idea on buying wat present 4 me??
Friday, June 8, 2007
i LOVE ~~
i dunno the reason but really love it... mayb of the lecturer.. (which is my dai lou) or mayb it's easier than other subjects???
no matter wat reason.. just found tat i love to do it...
STAT is mainly about finding the correct value n fit into the formulae... isnt it??? (hey.. my yi gor ~~ if u dunno who is tat ~~Jianhua la
haha... just crapping around...
it's mE again~~
Thursday, June 7, 2007
mY oLd FrEn
old in wat sense??
it's OLD.. relating wif the age... not knowing him 4 long long time...
haha.... n he is jianhua!!
due to saying him old 4 too many times... he felt tat it's not fair to him n he decided to take revenge...
so how??
he took my pic without letting me know... then edit it... n post it on his blog... wat a old man styled-way of taking revenge... haha....
n to show tat he's young.. he likes to eat sugus..
but things still cant change when he doesnt understand the language of young ppl using... just ike wat happened tis afternoon... he juat cant understand wat am i talking about...
kla... i just forgive him... n be fren wif him... coz government teaches us not to leave senior citizens aside... must care for them n respect them!!!
** kla... it's just my free time opinion... dun take it seriously... anyway... he's still a good guy... also buy food for me when i dun hav break 4 lunch... n help me to kill ppl who is noisy in class.. n also teaches me maths... but.... he's not available anymore... he has a girlfren at australia!!!

yo... mY cLAssmAtE
i found it interesting n feel tat there is necessity to let u guys read it...
sincerely from:
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
w@t Happen??
tis morning... 3am... i woke up n off the air cond without knowing y... i knew tat i hav did that action but just cant remember the reason... then just now was driving my grandma to clinic n i knocked a car... i was braking (was driving very slow tat time) but just dunno y.. i knocked the car in front of me.. the car just didnt stop n i was thinking sumthing at tat moment...
sad... really blank... help me....
i think i should stop thinking other stuff when i'm doing sumthing else....
L_W Students Speak LOUD??
v realised that the l_w students in our maths class can speak very loudly n emotionally and "professionally"...
not saying tat all l_w students behave like tis but tis is wat v observed...
sumtimes, it's good to speak out loud n claer but in sum cases, v should control ourselves so tat v wont disturb others....
i think not to write too long so tat i didnt hurt much ppl...
pls tell me if i'm wrong...!!!
**to the big l_w school student, not mentioning u... dun worry...( but i know u r 1 of them.. haha...)
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
From Class To MidValley
**the lesson from tis story is to bring knife to college in case i need to kill those lecturers or classmates that make a lot of noise which will affect my studies...
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Super Examination Camp