Thursday, April 30, 2009
1. 以下這三種動物,哪一樣是你最喜愛的?
(a) 貓 (b)鳥 (c)狗
( 答案在下面...不要偷看唷...)
(a) 貓:你最愛你自己
(c) 狗:你把別人看得比自己還重
2. 你最喜愛什麼顏色?
(a) 粉紅色 (b)白色 (c)黑色
(b) 白色:你是正統派的人
3. 列舉一個與你相同性別的人之名字
( 答案在下面...不要偷看....)
4. 列舉一個與你相反性別的人之名字
( 答案在下面...不要偷看....)
5. 你較喜歡山脈,還是海灘?
( 答案在下面...不要偷看....)
(b) 海灘:會晚婚
6. 你喜歡看日出,還是日落?
( 答案在下面...不要偷看....)
(a) 日出:你是一個似早晨的人且你得到更多的任務完成
7. 由一至十中,你最喜歡哪個數目字?
( 答案在下面...不要偷看....)
8. 你最喜歡什麼植物?
(a) 紅玫瑰 (b)蕨類植物 (c)已經枯萎的植物
( 答案在下面...不要偷看....)
8.( 解答)
(b) 蕨類植物:你的生活將是可預言的,且會穩健平安
9. 你最喜歡哪個季節?
(a) 春季 (b)冬季 (c)夏季
(答案在下面...不要偷看 ....)
9.( 解答)
(b) 冬季:你是一個堅持善良的人
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
i have a SEXY voice
hey hey hey... (wif a low n sexy voice)..
yes.. my sore throat still havent recover..
not feeling well but still go for work..
so rajin rite? =p
dunno if the cust can hear me..
anyway.. HANTAM saje la!!
ok.. refer to wat hyee wrote in my last post:
hui yee: i can blog while work 1 ma... talk using mouth n blogging using fingers... it's call efficient n ll make my work more efficient..
so efficient + efficient = BLOG while WORK = curi ayam la...
but if u refer to the quote : all works n no play makes jack a dull boy
it says tat i need to do something else while doing something which is very serious like study or WORK
ok... enough crapping..
hyee: enjoy ur holidays... belanja me yumcha ya!! i b ur driver..
yes.. my sore throat still havent recover..
not feeling well but still go for work..
so rajin rite? =p
dunno if the cust can hear me..
anyway.. HANTAM saje la!!
ok.. refer to wat hyee wrote in my last post:
hui yee: i can blog while work 1 ma... talk using mouth n blogging using fingers... it's call efficient n ll make my work more efficient..
so efficient + efficient = BLOG while WORK = curi ayam la...
but if u refer to the quote : all works n no play makes jack a dull boy
it says tat i need to do something else while doing something which is very serious like study or WORK
ok... enough crapping..
hyee: enjoy ur holidays... belanja me yumcha ya!! i b ur driver..
Monday, April 27, 2009
oo.. so nervous when the cust agree to sign up..
hmm.. mayb too many rejection n i m used to it di..
so when he said - ok.. u can proceed..
aa... i was like.. SHOCKED.. i can say
n he didnt ask a lot
he just "ok..ok.. no prob"
then gave me his acc number without hesitation (normally ppl ll ask a lot here)
hmm.. need to calm myself now
really nervous till dunno wat to say
n my colleague asked me
"sales but takut ke?"
yes.. i m NERVOUS indeed
thought it ll b a boring MON
but it's NOT now..
my heart still beating strong n loud
dub dub.. dub dub
oo.. so nervous when the cust agree to sign up..
hmm.. mayb too many rejection n i m used to it di..
so when he said - ok.. u can proceed..
aa... i was like.. SHOCKED.. i can say
n he didnt ask a lot
he just "ok..ok.. no prob"
then gave me his acc number without hesitation (normally ppl ll ask a lot here)
hmm.. need to calm myself now
really nervous till dunno wat to say
n my colleague asked me
"sales but takut ke?"
yes.. i m NERVOUS indeed
thought it ll b a boring MON
but it's NOT now..
my heart still beating strong n loud
dub dub.. dub dub
wat the.. the time is passing SLOW N STEADY... made 30 calls di.. but it's only 11AM.. yes.. only 2 hrs passed.. omg.. y is it so slow???
is there any machine or gadget that can make time to fly like FAST n FURIOUS? (thought of the movie REMOTE CONTROL)
i wanna go home
i wanna watch tv
i wanna sit on my sofa
i wanna lay on my bed
i wanna talk to my mum
i wanna crap
i wanna shout
i wanna laugh wif my mouth opened big n wide
tat's wat in my mind now..
cant wait till 6pm
not tat i dun wanna work
work can earn me money
so i dun mind
but all the answers i got from the other end of the phone
not free
not interested
i dun even need to say y i call them
n tat's all the answers
typical answer..
sumtimes weird as well (coz there were once the person said meeting but i can hear the radio at the background)
cant even get into the presentation
n tat's BAD (BAD BOY BAD BOY --> ah mei's song)
(cough.. work till sot di la.. let me destress myself la)
or just no pick up from the other end...
if there is caller ringtone.. wif nice music
i dun mind to wait
but is those horrible music
n loud
only 1 word to say
any motivation?
i know tis fri is public holiday
i only need to work for 4 days for tis week
but always think tat time pass faster after lunch - 2pm
izzit just psychologically mind set?
but one thing tat i m happy wif is
my team leader works till 4.30pm tis week
means v can relax a bit after she went back
hmm... (eyes rolling.. thinking izzit true)
is there any machine or gadget that can make time to fly like FAST n FURIOUS? (thought of the movie REMOTE CONTROL)
i wanna go home
i wanna watch tv
i wanna sit on my sofa
i wanna lay on my bed
i wanna talk to my mum
i wanna crap
i wanna shout
i wanna laugh wif my mouth opened big n wide
tat's wat in my mind now..
cant wait till 6pm
not tat i dun wanna work
work can earn me money
so i dun mind
but all the answers i got from the other end of the phone
not free
not interested
i dun even need to say y i call them
n tat's all the answers
typical answer..
sumtimes weird as well (coz there were once the person said meeting but i can hear the radio at the background)
cant even get into the presentation
n tat's BAD (BAD BOY BAD BOY --> ah mei's song)
(cough.. work till sot di la.. let me destress myself la)
or just no pick up from the other end...
if there is caller ringtone.. wif nice music
i dun mind to wait
but is those horrible music
n loud
only 1 word to say
any motivation?
i know tis fri is public holiday
i only need to work for 4 days for tis week
but always think tat time pass faster after lunch - 2pm
izzit just psychologically mind set?
but one thing tat i m happy wif is
my team leader works till 4.30pm tis week
means v can relax a bit after she went back
hmm... (eyes rolling.. thinking izzit true)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
drinking green tea
made me think of JAPAN
miss those day
but warm in heart
drank green tea everyday
as if the JAPANESE dun drink plain water
took green tea to go wif my vitamins
i really miss JAPAN
mayb i should say
** crapping while work.. ~~ lalala ~~
made me think of JAPAN
miss those day
but warm in heart
drank green tea everyday
as if the JAPANESE dun drink plain water
took green tea to go wif my vitamins
i really miss JAPAN
mayb i should say
** crapping while work.. ~~ lalala ~~
Confessions of a Shopaholic

SHOPPING! tis is a big word.. i think most of us (at least those who i know) love shopping.. either window shopping, clothes shopping, accessories shopping, grocery shopping...
the main excuse that made us shopping will be shopping is 1 of the exercises that can be done easily.. rite??
n will also make u happy... (tis is the quote from the movie)
ok.. hope every1 enjoy ur shopping... but shop according ur ability lo.. i love to shop but not the branded like LV, PRADA n wateva tat ll use up my whole month's salary lo..
b a smart shopaholic.. opt for valuable(cheap n nice.. n something tat suits u.. y not?)stuff.. not branded stuff solely, k?
ok.. another thing to be updated:
it's confirmed tat i ll be leaving to hk on 18/8 (tues)
booked my air ticket yesterday
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
其实我并没有迟到。所以才能在这乱写一通! =P
其实我并没有迟到。所以才能在这乱写一通! =P
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
** 没有网络的日子,还真惨的!!
** 没有网络的日子,还真惨的!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
昨晚当我在收拾我的床时,竟然给我看到一些会让我尖叫的东东 - 虫,而且还是很多的虫!!这些虫不是普通的虫,而是奶黄色,会蠕动的虫。
** 趁今天放假,我去把头发剪了!!爽!!今天拿的是病假,所以是没扣薪水的!!刚好耳朵痛,去见医生,再拿个病单。
** 趁今天放假,我去把头发剪了!!爽!!今天拿的是病假,所以是没扣薪水的!!刚好耳朵痛,去见医生,再拿个病单。
Saturday, April 18, 2009
1)主席 - 主要工作是休息
总裁 - 总是害人无辜被裁
老板 - 老在公司看天花板
经理 - 经常走动找人修理
主管 - 主要任务尽量少管
员工 - 原来只有我在做工
3)推销员正在派发传单,但路人不予理睬,忽从远处跑来一人,问推销员要了很多传单,推销 员正高兴,却见那人飞快跑进不远处的厕所......
5)我在侨校教中文,学生中有不少正戴着牙箍接受牙齿矫正。有一次,我问道: “父母亲现在花很多钱替你们矫正牙齿,将来父母亲老了,你们就花钱替他们镶假牙,这种情况叫什么?”学生们异口 同声:“以牙还牙!”
总裁 - 总是害人无辜被裁
老板 - 老在公司看天花板
经理 - 经常走动找人修理
主管 - 主要任务尽量少管
员工 - 原来只有我在做工
3)推销员正在派发传单,但路人不予理睬,忽从远处跑来一人,问推销员要了很多传单,推销 员正高兴,却见那人飞快跑进不远处的厕所......
5)我在侨校教中文,学生中有不少正戴着牙箍接受牙齿矫正。有一次,我问道: “父母亲现在花很多钱替你们矫正牙齿,将来父母亲老了,你们就花钱替他们镶假牙,这种情况叫什么?”学生们异口 同声:“以牙还牙!”
Friday, April 17, 2009
一 :佩莹
一 :佩莹
Thursday, April 16, 2009
MISS . b@dmiNtON
seriously.. i miss badminton.. i miss playing badminton.. it has been quite a while since my last badminton game.. cant really remember when was it di..
i wonder i can still play badminton??
i watch badminton game.. but not tat frequent.. coz always busy wif sumthing else during weekends..
but i m very alert wif the badminton news.. cant watch.. but still wanna know wat's the result, wat's the latest news in badminton field..
i miss badminton..
i wish i can join the badminton team in hku.. mayb not the uni team but the team in my hostel.. there is a badminton club in the hostel tat i planned to choose.. so hopefully i can get into the hostel n continue to play badminton in my uni life..
gonna bring my racquet over to hk..
i wonder i can still play badminton??
i watch badminton game.. but not tat frequent.. coz always busy wif sumthing else during weekends..
but i m very alert wif the badminton news.. cant watch.. but still wanna know wat's the result, wat's the latest news in badminton field..
i miss badminton..
i wish i can join the badminton team in hku.. mayb not the uni team but the team in my hostel.. there is a badminton club in the hostel tat i planned to choose.. so hopefully i can get into the hostel n continue to play badminton in my uni life..
gonna bring my racquet over to hk..
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
busy? wat m i busying with?
not work.. coz my job dun require me to do the follow up work at home.. just work from 9 till 6.. then go home.. no worries..
to b exact, i just need to make calls everyday, sell PA insurance.. tat's all.. if the customer said no interest, then just reply : y izzit not interested, mayb i can explain to u.
if really cant, then just say: ok no prob, thank you for ur time.
tat's all...
in tat case, wat am i busying wif?
i m busying wif my new blog.. thinking wat to write.. getting more ideas.. but always do tat during work =)
ll write between call, ll think of the story between call...
calling everyday n making no sales is so demotivating.. so i must think of sumthing to distract my mind.. =p (excuses??)
ok.. will update again soon..
not work.. coz my job dun require me to do the follow up work at home.. just work from 9 till 6.. then go home.. no worries..
to b exact, i just need to make calls everyday, sell PA insurance.. tat's all.. if the customer said no interest, then just reply : y izzit not interested, mayb i can explain to u.
if really cant, then just say: ok no prob, thank you for ur time.
tat's all...
in tat case, wat am i busying wif?
i m busying wif my new blog.. thinking wat to write.. getting more ideas.. but always do tat during work =)
ll write between call, ll think of the story between call...
calling everyday n making no sales is so demotivating.. so i must think of sumthing to distract my mind.. =p (excuses??)
ok.. will update again soon..
Monday, April 13, 2009
以讹传讹 。我也创作
hey guys n gals,
started a new blog.. it's all bout writing.. yes.. my own writing.. feel free to surf n enjoy with the reading.. n giv me some comment..
thx for supporting!!
started a new blog.. it's all bout writing.. yes.. my own writing.. feel free to surf n enjoy with the reading.. n giv me some comment..
thx for supporting!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
tak jadi
suppose to go for back therapy tis morning in cheras.. but it had to b a long long story..
woke up 6sumthing, then fetch bros to school, n headed to cheras wif mum.. reached there at 8am n my booking is 8.30am.. so i called the person n thinking to get direction from cheras chinese medium primary school to her house'shop or wateva.. coz tis is the 1st i visit her after she moved from balakong.. n she told me to wait for her at the school.. she ll bring me to her place..
n the story starts here.. i called n called n called.. n the answer i get is
"sorry, the number you've dialled cannot be reached"
ok.. it's early i thought.. so i waited till 8.30am hoping that she ll on her phone (but actually i did sms her, left voicemail to her, called her n try wateva i can to contact her)
but still can contact her after 8.30am..
mum went down to ask those ppl around.. but no1 knows the place..
n waited n drove around to try my luck n till 9.15am...
ok.. it's long enough for me to wait ok?
1hr n 15mins.. non stop calling n looking for the place..
ok.. then let's c the conversation below:
mum: ok.. i think v cant find the place.. charas is so big n v dun hav the exact add
me: ok then.. let's go breakfast
mum: ok.. but means u cant go for back therapy after having breakfast even she called back
me: yes.. not going di.. if i still wait for her.. i ll die in my car.. (coz air cond got toxic gas rite?)
mum: ok
then just conincidence, i found a place to hav breakfast. it's in housing area.. n hav lots of food there.
i had a plate of wantan mee.. n green bean soup.. not bad.. n at a quite reasonable price.. as i m having vegetarian food for 100days for my aunt, so i ordered a plain dried wantan mee n it's only rm2.. cheap rite? mum had claypot lou shu fan, it's rm4.50 but got lot's of ingredient inside - sotong, sausage, egg, n.. i forgot di.. haha...
after breakfast, drove home.. ok.. a day for me to learn the way to cheras.. n didnt hav my back therapy again.. y again? coz suppose to go last week but my aunt passed away.. so tis is TAK JADI X 2..
n when ll b the 3rd? hopefully not.. n i can hav a proper n smooth back therapy soon... am i going to visit her again?
answer is DUNNO!!
woke up 6sumthing, then fetch bros to school, n headed to cheras wif mum.. reached there at 8am n my booking is 8.30am.. so i called the person n thinking to get direction from cheras chinese medium primary school to her house'shop or wateva.. coz tis is the 1st i visit her after she moved from balakong.. n she told me to wait for her at the school.. she ll bring me to her place..
n the story starts here.. i called n called n called.. n the answer i get is
"sorry, the number you've dialled cannot be reached"
ok.. it's early i thought.. so i waited till 8.30am hoping that she ll on her phone (but actually i did sms her, left voicemail to her, called her n try wateva i can to contact her)
but still can contact her after 8.30am..
mum went down to ask those ppl around.. but no1 knows the place..
n waited n drove around to try my luck n till 9.15am...
ok.. it's long enough for me to wait ok?
1hr n 15mins.. non stop calling n looking for the place..
ok.. then let's c the conversation below:
mum: ok.. i think v cant find the place.. charas is so big n v dun hav the exact add
me: ok then.. let's go breakfast
mum: ok.. but means u cant go for back therapy after having breakfast even she called back
me: yes.. not going di.. if i still wait for her.. i ll die in my car.. (coz air cond got toxic gas rite?)
mum: ok
then just conincidence, i found a place to hav breakfast. it's in housing area.. n hav lots of food there.
i had a plate of wantan mee.. n green bean soup.. not bad.. n at a quite reasonable price.. as i m having vegetarian food for 100days for my aunt, so i ordered a plain dried wantan mee n it's only rm2.. cheap rite? mum had claypot lou shu fan, it's rm4.50 but got lot's of ingredient inside - sotong, sausage, egg, n.. i forgot di.. haha...
after breakfast, drove home.. ok.. a day for me to learn the way to cheras.. n didnt hav my back therapy again.. y again? coz suppose to go last week but my aunt passed away.. so tis is TAK JADI X 2..
n when ll b the 3rd? hopefully not.. n i can hav a proper n smooth back therapy soon... am i going to visit her again?
answer is DUNNO!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Homemade MOCHA!!

enjoying a cup of mocha that i made myself nicely...
a sip, 2 sip..
n i cant stop...
made myself a second cup now..
yum yum..
the aroma of coffee
the richness of cocoa
i'm LOVIN it! ^^
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
i saw rainbow tis morning
after an early workout
looking at th rainbow-
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple
as if i saw hope
as if everything ll b great
as if my aunt heard my msg
i ran up to my room
took out my camera
took some pics of the rainbow
i really wish-
everything ll turn out right
ll turn out happy
ll turn out great
after an early workout
looking at th rainbow-
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple
as if i saw hope
as if everything ll b great
as if my aunt heard my msg
i ran up to my room
took out my camera
took some pics of the rainbow
i really wish-
everything ll turn out right
ll turn out happy
ll turn out great
wHeN R u gOiNg tO diE?
received a mail wif a link inside.. it's about life calculation.. after doing the test.. n here's the result:
您距离死亡还有: 58年 10月 18日 10时 49分 18秒
您距离死亡还有: 58年 10月 18日 10时 49分 18秒
the timer is running of course...
izzit accurate?
u can try as well..
but i think as u grow up, the result ll change coz of ur life style.. do it n u ll understand wat i meant here..
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
blog during work
ok.. i'm not slacking or not doing any work.. the system in whole dept is down.. so i cant do anything.. then i saw hui yee posted tis n tagged me.. hmm.. so i must do my part rite? haha!!
let's go -->
1. Do you have any secrets?
hmm.. wat kind of secret? i dun think i hav any rite now.. mayb the small small one.. like i drive to penang wif my frens where my parents dont know.. but my sis knew it.. tis is all not tat important.. and normally my frens ll know my secret coz they LOVE to play true or dare.. but only allow to choose true.. tat's y...
2. Have you ever tried not eating anything for a few days?
not really... the longest is 30 hrs during 30 famine.. other than tat.. i think 1 day..
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
yea.. i LOVE school i can say.. coz i'm working temporary now b4 i enter uni.. n working life is complicated.. not that working is difficult but the politics in the office is kinda complicated i think.. my senior asked me to do her stuff... hmm.. dun wanna mention.. can read from the previous post..
n i really really love school.. esp secondary school.. wow.. i can do wateva i 1.. walk where ever i like.. hehe.. i'm not bad girl ok?
4. Coffee or more coffee?
sure..y not..^^ i started to love coffee since the trekking phase of my borneo expedition
5. Laughter or forever smiles?
OH.. i can actually laugh quite loud... but the thing is i dun smile when i m alone.. so i m always told by my frens that i m very cool n arrogant when i dun smile.. hmm.. do u expect a person to smile when he or she is alone? dun u feel that he or she has mental disorder?? =p
6. Who is more important? Lover or best friends?
ok.. i dun hav a lover now.. so of course best frens r more important for me.. my lovers r my best frens, family, winnie the pooh, snoopy.. n cute stuff actually..
7. The person you like is already attached. what would you do?
ok.. as i said earlier, i m single.. so not to think bout it now
8. What made you smile today?
i told my colleague that the system ll b down till 6pm.. then they scolded me.. wahaha.. good rite? dun need to work.. WAHAHAHA
9. Angelic or devilish?
ooo...i m DEVIL.. haha.. i can b very cruel.. wahaha.. beware of me... my frens know it well..
10. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
working i suppose.. n own my own business? i wish to..
11. Who are currently the most important people to you?
my family of course.. my gang, huiyee, peiyin, weijenn, scouts, jeeleng, raleigh-woonchin, zhiyong,vincent, christal, karlye, sulan.. lots more
12. What is the most important thing in life?
Live life happy n to the fullest
13. Are you single or attached?
14. What is your favourite colour?
orange!! n bright color like red, yellow..
15. What is your wish?
everything goes smoothly, score in my exam, got scholarship, got a good job after uni, n most important is good health happiness for every1 esp family..
16. Have you ever wondered what would happen afterlife?
nah...juz go wif it..don't think too much bout tat..tats not my prob for now..
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
well.. i hav strong memories.. i ll always remember wat sum1 has done to me.. i might not angry wif tat person after sum time but still ll remember wat he or she has done on me... tat's me..
18. Which do you prefer? spending time with family members or close people who understand you?
family member i would say.. my frens know me well.. i ll always choose to spend time wif my family rather than frens.. family ll b in the top position.. then only my frens..
19. 5 people you're gonna tag
youshenshendu, sis, peiyan, yanshan, weijie
not going to tag youshendu n peiyin coz huiyee did tat di.. n mr weilun dun hav blog lo...
DONE finally...
let's go -->
1. Do you have any secrets?
hmm.. wat kind of secret? i dun think i hav any rite now.. mayb the small small one.. like i drive to penang wif my frens where my parents dont know.. but my sis knew it.. tis is all not tat important.. and normally my frens ll know my secret coz they LOVE to play true or dare.. but only allow to choose true.. tat's y...
2. Have you ever tried not eating anything for a few days?
not really... the longest is 30 hrs during 30 famine.. other than tat.. i think 1 day..
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
yea.. i LOVE school i can say.. coz i'm working temporary now b4 i enter uni.. n working life is complicated.. not that working is difficult but the politics in the office is kinda complicated i think.. my senior asked me to do her stuff... hmm.. dun wanna mention.. can read from the previous post..
n i really really love school.. esp secondary school.. wow.. i can do wateva i 1.. walk where ever i like.. hehe.. i'm not bad girl ok?
4. Coffee or more coffee?
sure..y not..^^ i started to love coffee since the trekking phase of my borneo expedition
5. Laughter or forever smiles?
OH.. i can actually laugh quite loud... but the thing is i dun smile when i m alone.. so i m always told by my frens that i m very cool n arrogant when i dun smile.. hmm.. do u expect a person to smile when he or she is alone? dun u feel that he or she has mental disorder?? =p
6. Who is more important? Lover or best friends?
ok.. i dun hav a lover now.. so of course best frens r more important for me.. my lovers r my best frens, family, winnie the pooh, snoopy.. n cute stuff actually..
7. The person you like is already attached. what would you do?
ok.. as i said earlier, i m single.. so not to think bout it now
8. What made you smile today?
i told my colleague that the system ll b down till 6pm.. then they scolded me.. wahaha.. good rite? dun need to work.. WAHAHAHA
9. Angelic or devilish?
ooo...i m DEVIL.. haha.. i can b very cruel.. wahaha.. beware of me... my frens know it well..
10. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
working i suppose.. n own my own business? i wish to..
11. Who are currently the most important people to you?
my family of course.. my gang, huiyee, peiyin, weijenn, scouts, jeeleng, raleigh-woonchin, zhiyong,vincent, christal, karlye, sulan.. lots more
12. What is the most important thing in life?
Live life happy n to the fullest
13. Are you single or attached?
14. What is your favourite colour?
orange!! n bright color like red, yellow..
15. What is your wish?
everything goes smoothly, score in my exam, got scholarship, got a good job after uni, n most important is good health happiness for every1 esp family..
16. Have you ever wondered what would happen afterlife?
nah...juz go wif it..don't think too much bout tat..tats not my prob for now..
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
well.. i hav strong memories.. i ll always remember wat sum1 has done to me.. i might not angry wif tat person after sum time but still ll remember wat he or she has done on me... tat's me..
18. Which do you prefer? spending time with family members or close people who understand you?
family member i would say.. my frens know me well.. i ll always choose to spend time wif my family rather than frens.. family ll b in the top position.. then only my frens..
19. 5 people you're gonna tag
youshenshendu, sis, peiyan, yanshan, weijie
not going to tag youshendu n peiyin coz huiyee did tat di.. n mr weilun dun hav blog lo...
DONE finally...
Monday, April 6, 2009
尝试接受当中 ...
尝试接受当中 ...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Blood Drive
went for blood donation tis evening.. it was my 1st time.. great feelings.. not too pain.. n feels good after donating.. helping ppl in other way..
hmm... will go for another time.. plus donating blood is good for health...
shh.. tell u sumthing .. i go for blood donating bcoz i wanna skip work... wahhaha.. opps.. too loud.. shh.. dun tell any1... =p just laugh in ur heart or smile...
anyway.. i'm AB+ here.. the doctor said i'm the minorities... =)
hmm... will go for another time.. plus donating blood is good for health...
shh.. tell u sumthing .. i go for blood donating bcoz i wanna skip work... wahhaha.. opps.. too loud.. shh.. dun tell any1... =p just laugh in ur heart or smile...
anyway.. i'm AB+ here.. the doctor said i'm the minorities... =)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
hey guys n gals.. it's APRIL FOOL!!
just wanna wish every1 happy april fool!!
hohoho.. have fun..
being fooled or make fool of others?
just wanna wish every1 happy april fool!!
hohoho.. have fun..
being fooled or make fool of others?
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